MPCNC Made In China: New Build!

I think a lot of time could be eliminated from the printing by post processing with Arc Welder. It takes gcode composed of line segments as input and creates new gcode composed of arcs as output. It is available as an add-in for Cura and OctoPrint and as an executable command for Linux, macOS and Windows.

Well guys, great success!

I’m totally satisfied with this first attempt, it went much better than what I was hoping for!
Only screw up was that I didn’t make a good job at mixing, so some spots didn’t fully cure and also the black pigment leaves some dirty marks all over the place. But that’ll be super easy to fix next time. The silicone is very, very soft, maybe a bit too much, I’ll see when I’ll try sitting on it (I’m printing the bottom shell of the saddle so I guess I’ll be able to try tomorrow if the print goes well).

Aside from this, it was perfect, it was not difficult at all to take it out of the mold, and all the features are there. So I guess I’ll use this technique more often, it works wonders!


Wrapping it in leather/vinyl will affect how squishy it is too. It’ll constrain the material and keep it from moving a bit.

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@forcerouge are you going to print your body molds as well? Asking because you said you’re printing the bottom shell of the saddle. I would imagine you’re looking to fiberglass it.

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Yes.I’ll 3D print the body molds as well, or at least try.
The plan is to make them out of carbon fiber, I’m 3D printing the bottom shell right now just to make a test fit and see if everything’s all right, and what mods I might need to make on the final version.
So far, the design I’m going for is this one:

I think it’ll be doable, I just hope that the printer will be able to keep up because the molds parts for the battery enclosure will be really huge. But given how it worked during the past month, I’d say it’s withing reach!


That looks super cool, looking forward to your updates per usual!

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I’m glad I slept through the curing process. i was on pins and needles waiting the 30 seconds between when I finished reading the first post and seeing it demolded!

Very impressive. Did you use anything on the PLA to keep the silicone from sticking? Like mold release spray?

Very neat. I wonder if there are varying stiffness silicones. Since you have that mold amd the printer, it seems like you should be making a few copies of that bike.


Thanks Jeffe! :rofl:

I didn’t use anything for mold release, silicone supposedly only sticks to itself, so I thought I didn’t need it.

There are some varying stiffnesses existing, I went for the second softest one (apparently the softest one would be too sticky for my application according to the shop I bought it from, and I think he was right, this one is actually quite sticky so I can’t imagine how the other one would be). I’ll probably try other stiffnesses if this one doesn’t do the job.


That mold is pretty insane, and it worked with all the small features. Another amazing project out of you, and it is just part of a larger project. Thanks for the update.


You could fill some of the holes with more silicone later to stiffen it up a bit too.

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Man, this thing is really great. Did you ever discuss the final total cost? I think I missed it if you did. Might also be time to consider putting together a kit or two. Take some video, mix of real time and time lapse.
I’m sure the market would be fairly narrow, but how many people really need a cnc, either?
I showed this stuff to my wife and she definitely had some ideas for super large stuff to print already.

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I think you would find that your total cost varies… Dui lives in China and as such probably has access to many great things at very good prices.

But I think you should do it! I would love to fallow another huge 3dp build :slight_smile:

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Yeah, but a ballpark price is a ballpark price. I won’t be able to add any more machines until after we move, maybe even 2022. But I definitely want one!


I didn’t really count, but I guess I spent around 800 dollars, maybe a bit more, but less than 1000 for sure.
But I did spend an enormous amount of time designing, sourcing , assembling and testing/debuging everything.

I don’t really know if I’ll propose some kits, on one end it would be nice to make a little extra income and see people using my machine to make some useful stuff, on another end I’m not really sure there is a market for it, plus I’d have to sell it with a margin and the final price would be a lot more than 800 bucks I guess, especially with the shipping since this thing, even disassembled, is huge and heavy. Also I kinda suck at the business side of things, I don’t really like it, usually I prefer to focus on the technical stuff.

Also I’d need to make an assembly instruction manual, I already did this a long time before for an other product and I quite liked doing it, but it took a really long time. Though now I know how to use 3D designing tool it would be so much faster than having to draw every single image with photoshop.

So I guess I’ll first finish building my motorbike, keep testing the machine to make sure it’s really, really reliable, improve the things that needs to be improved if any, then give it some more thought. But I’d like giving it a try, that’s for sure!


This may be a longshot but what about working with Ryan to add it the the V1 Line up? I personally would love to build one when I have the space for it.


100% reasonable position. If I had deeper knowledge and skills, I’d get to work designing my own. But by the time I finished, somebody else will have published exactly what I want…so I’ll wait!

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That is a pretty awesome value, honestly. It takes a lot to make something from a (very functional) prototype to a product, and especially if users expect the same experience as buying a toaster or something. Certainly something to be jealous of, but I am sure that I 1) do not have the space or the projects to justify the space and 2) would expect to pay much more, closer to $3k+ to have one on the other side of the world. Just shipping the bed sounds like a special kind of delivery. Once prices get that high, people’s expectations only go up.

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After looking at the jubilee BOM it looks cheap!

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Well I don’t think it would be a bad idea, but I don’t think Ryan would want that since it’s not his design so I don’t think he’d like being associated with something he didn’t design himself.
I’d be okay with it though, as I said, the business side of stuff doesn’t really matter to me.

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You may be right about that, but I imagine It would be one more reason for people to find interest in V1. One could also consider that the BOx may never have come in to existence had it not been for the inspiration you got from the mpcnc. (Unless I totally missed something)

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