MP3DP V4 Build

Yes sir connected to the internet. No earlier errors and this is a fresh install after following the guide that @vicious1 posted. Here is a shot of everything on the screen just incase I’m missing something else…

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This one is a head scratcher…might have to swipe my Girls laptop and try a fresh install. I wonder if p io changed something.

Try this, it works for me as well and has a slightly different command happening. Click on the alien face, skr pro, build.

WTH, Alien Face, who thought that up, OMG!!!

I swear!

This is just not working for me LOL…And im about to be out of time. Leaving for my 2 weeks at work tomorrow morning 0800. Ill have 2 weeks to figure it out at work i suppose. Only thing is ill be on a Macbook pro at work not my windows computer here.

Ok…saying that about leaving and being on a different computer gave me a thought. So I jumped on my wife’s machine which is practically brand new (I just built it a month ago) and I have never had vs code or anything like that on it before. Downloaded vs code and only installed platform io didn’t let it install any other extensions. downloaded a fresh copy of the firmware and boom…it builds!!!

So now I guess I should be able to make the edits on her machine and build/upload??? I will post screen shots of the edits I make before I build so I hopefully don’t screw anything up more than I already have


Ok…I found bed size and changed it from 200 to 300. I measured from the bed to the hot end (machine off bed all the way down) and got 385mm so I also changed Z_MAX_POS to 385. If I’m understanding correctly this should allow the printer to home from all the way down correct??

I have other things I would like to change too but right now I figure it’s best to just do one thing at a time. Once this is all working correctly i can worry about the runout sensor and the LEDs



I wonder what the heck it was, I need to poke around so I can add that to the instrucitons.


My computer is going on 5 years old now. And I’ve tried way too many different projects on it lol. I’m thinking I need to go in and do a massive cleanup on it and get rid of all kinds of old stuff and start fresh

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Stupid question…After it builds how do i get the firmware.bin file???

Edit…Nevermind i found it…


ok Z align still thinks its 200x200. So I’m guessing there is another place i need to adjust bed size in the firmware…but that may not matter…I tried to test the bed heater and everything turned off. Seems I hooked the 24v bed power and the wires to the SSR backwards. Not sure if I killed the board or not yet. Have to do some running real quick will investigate when I get back. I didn’t smell any magic smoke nor see any so I’m hopeful lol. Worst case i have an Octopus Pro here I can use. Sure wanted to see this thing print something before I head to work in the morning but looking like that might not be possible lol

Hmmmm, check config adv. There is a self leveling section.

Unplug all the heater stuff, power up, enable the bed, does the LED come on?

The led on the SSR or is there one on the board i should be seeing? the LED on the SSR does not come on

The mosfet’s on the board all have LED’s.

If nothing else is wrong (all the fuses are still good), does the board boot?

The bed trigger pins can be moved since you are using an SSR.

The board boots now that I have the bed power in the right place. But it wont heat the bed, I get no thermistor for the hot end and no part cooling fan. About to put my meter on it and make sure its not just a bad fan on the part cooling

ok hot bed works…everywhere else on the board is + on the left and - on the right…except hot bed…so my control to the SSR was backwards… Fixed that and the bed heats up. And heats up QUICK. That AC heater isn’t a joke

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Now i have to figure out why I’m not getting temp from the hot end and why part cooling fan no spin…

Are you using a hemera?

Yes…and I just figured it out. Problem was the idiot that wired it. I got the wires crossed. The hot end thermistor is hooked up to the part cooling fan…and the fan is hooked up to the thermistor. WOW sometimes I even surprise myself. Any chance the thermistor is still good after having 24v fed though it??

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