MP3DP V4 Build

You didn’t install the marlin autobuilder did you?

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I think I did let that auto install. I will see about removing it.


Even if that is there, just try hitting the check mark at the bottom to see if it builds. I have not used autobuilder and I am not exactly sure what it even does.

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Ok I removed Marlin Autobuilder, Deleted the files and redownloaded again. Extracted. Opened in VScode and let PIO do its thing (which only takes a few seconds…is this normal?) and then clicked the checkmark at the top right to build and get the exact same error…

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Bottom left

*Edit top right should work as well.

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I had this before I think and had to delete some backup file that had been built before. I found it by googling but don’t remember exactly what the error was.


I know this is bad timing but I am headed out for half the day right now. Sorry.

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How dare you have a life! Boo! :joy:

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Does it work?

The suspense…

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Turns out I had to head out earlier as well. For what I thought was going to be an hour or 2 ordeal that turned into SEVERAL hours! I have not had a chance to try it yet but will report back as soon as I do. Right now I have to figure out dinner for cranky ass kids lol.

Same thing. I’m going to have to google and see if i can find this backup file that @Tokoloshe mentioned and see if that does anything.

I’ve looked at google with everything i can think of and coming up blank. I can find stuff for all kinds of different boards but not the SKR pro. Its been a hell of a day so I think this is a problem for tomorrow. Thank you for all your help and if you have any more suggestions please let me know.

Somewhere in your setup you have your board named in a way that is incorrect. In the screen shot above, Marlin thinks your board is named “marlin_BigTree_SKR_Pro” — and off the top of my head, the first part, “marlin_”, should not be part of the name!

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Ok… 1 how or where do I change that? And 2 why does it build fine on Ryan’s computer but not mine? I’m not making a single edit at this point just extracting his file and trying to build. Not at all trying to say you are wrong just trying to understand

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That is the odd part, he is starting from our proven firmware. His p io is doing that somehow?

After you uninstall vscode it looks like there is a users/.vscode folder that needs to be deleted as well. reboot and do a fresh install I hope.

I wonder what the heck caused this. Can’t imagine marlin builder did it. There is another setting thing that pops up as well as the marlin builder, create a workspace or project or something don’t do that as well.


This shows two folders, How to uninstall VS Code completely? -


Ok. I will start there in the morning and see what happens. And report back. Thank you!!

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We set PLATFORMIO_ENV=BIGTREE_SKR_PRO. So that looks like it is being set correctly.

The board is being set in the included ini file:

That looks like the right board to me. For some reason, your platformio can’t find it. It should be able to download the board support package automatically and use it. But I have lost the trail and I am not sure how that part works.

Are you running this on a machine that is connected to the internet? Are there any earlier errors?

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Here it is: VScode ESP32 Build error Could not find one of "library.json," manifest files in package - PlatformIO IDE - PlatformIO Community

I don’t even know whether it’s the same mistake, but the solution is

Did you remove the .pio folder of the project and retry?

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Ok i did this… Using search it was extremely easy. Then downloaded VSCode and istalled. And the only extension I installed was PlatformIO…I opened the marlin Folder…Clicked the checkmark at the lower left corner…