MP3DP V4 Build

Well after recent developments I think I am going to back up and punt on this for now. My current plan is to fix my wiring to get it out of the enclosure better/cleaner. Also I am going to rig up something to limit the Z. A lot of times when I am working on something and need the bed up and out of the way for a short time I will take one of my filament dry boxes and put it underneath it. I’m going to take a similar approach and put something in there that will allow enough Z travel for the things I need to get printed but not enough to let this heavy ass bed fall 375mm. I think with the weight its picking up enough speed before the sudden stop and that’s what’s causing the problem. So limiting the fall to a much shorter distance should mitigate the burning boards. I want to leave it heavy for any testing that needs to be done. That way we will know that whatever new thing Ryan and Mike are cooking up will handle the heavy beds lol.