LR3 Build - the megaman

I will try that and update you with the results. I am pretty sure it is the butt solder joint I did.

This is my right side end stop. So definitely a short

That is the wrong firmware.

You should have X Y Y2 Z Z2 Probe

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Or go to page two and make sure the rest are there. Never seen them split screens like that.

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New solder and everything is good!

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Seems that it just split it. Here is how it looks after I fixed the soldering.


Congrats! Looking awesome!

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Are there any guides on how to connect the touch plate? I bought it from the V1E shop, but this is my first touch plate I have ever set up.

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Hey @n8zwn, already seen Ryan’s recent workflow video? He shows how to use the touchplate there…

And/or are you looking for info on how to wire up touch plate to your controller board (SKR Pro 1.2) ?


Connect the black cable to the alligator clamp. Crimp a terminal onto the red cable. Connect the crimp to the touch plate.
Connect as shown in the photo.
When using it, clamp the alligator clamp onto the tool or spindle nose. Hold the touch plate under the tool. Trigger Z homing (I do it through Repetier Host currently but could also be through the touch screen). The spindle should lower quickly towards the plate then stop, back up a little and then slowly lower again for a more accurate touch off.
Remove the touch plate, set the Z to zero (I use a custom script in Repetier, but you can use the screen I believe)
Good to go.


I have it wired to the skr, but wasn’t sure on the next steps.

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Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for.


No worries, the timing of your question was perfect because I noticed the touchplate and figured I’d hook it up and have a play with it about 18 hours ago :smiley:


So I think I am ready to cut my struts. Issue is that the calculator keeps giving me 1080MM strut, but I only have 900X and 990Y. How do I get it to accurately calculate?

My table is 48" by 54".

Here is my crown that I did in some spare plywood


Also last question, what apps are people using on macs for tool path generation? Free and paid?

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I think @DougJoseph runs Estlcam in a Windows sandbox.

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Yes, I am running ESTLcam in a Virtual Machine providing Windows 10 Pro. My virtual machines are done through the Parallels Desktop software. I’m doing all this on a 2015 MacBook Pro — yes, you read that right: it’s an 8 year old laptop.

When you said your table is 48" by 54", was that referring to outer dimensions or the cutting area?

How long are your tubes for your X gantry? That’s essentially how long your strut plates should be.

48" inches = 1219.2 mm.

The tubes / x gantry need to be wider than the cuttable area. Are you sure the 1080 mm is inaccurate?

If your table is not long enough in Y to cut them running perpendicular, perhaps you could cut them at a diagonal angle?

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Kiri:moto. (Free)