I just finished my build of the LowRider CNC V3 but after flashing both the SKR Pro 1.2 and the TFT35, it says no printer found as well as giving me options to “Print” instead of “Cut”. Can anyone help me to know what I’m doing wrong?
CNC Firmware I used: 515/V1CNC_SkrPro_DualLR_2209-2.1.1.zip (V515 Marlin 2.1.1)
TFT35 Firmware I used: Repeat_TFT_Package2.zip (3/9/23 Roll up)
You need to update the TFT firmware, the version you have is outdated, and it is the firmware version for the V1 3D printers, not the LR3. Please use this one:
PS: Congrats for completing your LR3 build! Have fun with this great machine!
PPS: ‚Print‘ is ok as the TFT firmware was developed for 3D printers. But you can change the display mode to Marlin by pressing the TFT knob for a couple of seconds. The Marlin menues are more CNCish.
The common reasons I see on the forum for this message are 1) the baud rate not set correctly on the TFT and 2) cabling not done correctly.
The baud rate should be set to 250000. There are three cables connecting the TFT to the control board. Two are for Marlin mode, and one for touch screen mode. If you hold your knob down for a few seconds, you can put your display in Marlin mode.
You may want to fully describe the version number of your display to allow the forum to verify which firmware needs to be installed.
Gotcha. Looks like the new firmware is working. Still says “Print” but if that’s normal than I guess that’s okay. The baud rate looks fine but still says no printer found. Also, after bootup I get an “All low” error message on the TFT.
Hopefully someone with more knowledge of TFT firmware can give you detailed information. I’ve seen posts on the forum about different firmware needed between the TFT35-E3 V3.0 and the V3.0.1 version. The firmware may be the one Christian is referencing, but I though V1 had updated their firmware package to include the firmware for V3.0.1. I don’t have this display (either version), so I did not pay close attention to those posts. You might search the form for “V3.0.1.”
no printer found
Can you talk to your printer in Marlin mode (hold down the knob for a few seconds)? Since you’ve verified the baud rate, look for cabling issues. The TFT display talks to marlin over the smaller cable. Make sure no pins are bent on the control board and the TFT. Make sure you have it plugged in the right place, and if not keyed, the right orientation.
We discussed an “All low” error here. That was related to insufficient powering of the SKR Pro. Can you please check whether you powered it correctly, i.e. it is important to supply 12V power to both, the ‘MOTOR POWER’ and ‘POWER 12V/24V’ connectors.
The baud rate looks fine but still says no printer found
It is normal that when starting up the TFT for a couple of seconds shows ‘no printer found’. But this message should disappear after a couple of seconds. Can you please confirm that this is the case for you as well.
The screen is a TFT35-E3 V3.0.1
For this screen, the correct firmware file is BIGTREE_GD_TFT35_V3.0_E3.27.x.bin. But if you copied all *.bin files into the SD card’s root folder, the TFT would have picked the relevant automatically.
Additionally my endstop switches aren’t telling the motors to stop when they get hit.
Does that mean you can successfully operate your machine via the TFT? Or how did you test the endstops?
There’s a couple of more things to check, but I’d need the information above to advise. Could you please also provide some pictures of the messages you described here.
The stop switches only stop the motors during homing. They do not try to stop the motors when the machine is in operation. This is the normal and expected behaviour, so unless you are trying to home the machine, it isn’t the problem.
If it is during homing, another possibility is that you have the endstops for Z1/Z2 or Y1/Y2 reversed with respect to the motors that they are supposed to stop. Another possibility is that they are not wired correctly. M119 is useful to see that the firmware is correctly reading the end stops.
TFT35-E3 V3.0.1 is not the same as a GD TFT35-E3 V3.0.1
You can check if you have a GD TFT. Just look at the back of the TFT on the big processor. If the processor name starts with GD it is a GD otherwise it is clearly not…
I also have read you can simply copy all TFT FW´s to the SD, without renaming, the TFT would pick the right one to flash based on the .bin prefix. (haven´t tested this myself)
Looks like it is the GD model. Great catch! I flashed that version instead.
As for the All Low error, I’m still getting that error. I’m using the AC adapter that came with the kit (see attached image). I currently have everything but the power disconnected because I’m doing cable management still. I should note that my drivers didn’t come with the two pins at the top at stick into the board. They have all the pins on the sides, not sure if that’s an issue.
The “No Printer Found” message does go away after a few seconds
I’m going to get everything reconnected and try again. Thank you all for your help thus far! Please let me know if anything else sticks out as abnormal.
Okay, I have all 6 drivers plugged in but I still get the “All Low” error. I think this might be related to my drivers not having those two pins (one of them I’m supposed to bend). Are those something I’m supposed to install or should they just work? Here are the drivers I ordered. The pictures show those two extra pins but they are not on the ones I received.
Okay, after digging a bit more, I found out that the website links to the “wrong” drivers on AliExpress. They link to the 2208 drivers, not the 2209 drivers. I only bought them from AliExpress because V1E was out of stock. Can anyone confirm that the original drivers I ordered will not work?
This is the board I got: [BIGTREETECH SKR Pro v1.2 32bit Control Board high-Frequency 3D Printer Motherboard, Support TMC5160, TMC2208, TMC2130, TFT28, TFT32, TFT35, 12864LCD ect. https://a.co/d/1rIZD9S](BIGTREETECH SKR Pro v1.2 32bit Control Board high-Frequency 3D Printer Motherboard, Support TMC5160, TMC2208, TMC2130, TFT28, TFT32, TFT35, 12864LCD ect. https://a.co/d/1rIZD9S).
I’m using the 2208 drivers. However, I just ordered the 2209s. Should I cancel that order?
Also, I am able to control the steppers using the screen move controls. At this point the biggest issue I have is that the screen beeps loudly at me after boot up and I get that “All Low” error.
On the tft, there is a menu to send commands. You can send M122. That will print a bunch of stuff about the drivers. At the end, it prints a code, like 00:00:00:00:00 for each driver. The interesting thing is, are they all zeroes or only one driver?