Also not getting the green flashes which indicate flashing
If you can’t rename it, maybe the card is protected? The old SD cards used to have this little switch to enable writing protection. This would keep you from doing anything with the files as well as flashing/renaming.
It’s a microsd card that I’ve used previously. It lets me try to rename things, but when trying to change firmware to FIRMWARE, it reverts back to firmware. I’ll check tonight to see if it lets me rename to different things
Just confirmed it does allow me to rename the file, but when trying to capitalize it it reverts to lowercase
It doesn’t matter for flashing.
It seems likely the board is toast then, unless you have any other ideas? @vicious1
Best thing to do is unplug everything, try with the 12v power port or disconnect that and use the usb (move the power jumpers).
Also use another MicroSD, reformat it if needed, try a different type of format just in case. I have a micro that will run printing files but it will not flash a board.
Always perform full format and not quick as well
Will do, thanks for the help!
As Dan mentioned above, other boards that failed to flash (rename the file) worked fine after the bootloader was replaced.
Here is a topic that explains the process of replacing the bootloader.
Noted, thanks for the link. I misunderstood what he meant earlier I think
Just saw this on the firmware page " If you are using a dual end stop firmware flashed board, you have to have the end stops properly connected first, Info. If you have a series flashed board no end stops are needed." During setup I noticed that it was missing an x endstop, and haven’t replaced it yet, waiting to see if I need anything else first. Could this cause the board to not connect? @vicious1 @robertbu
Also waiting on an STLink to be delivered to try replacing the bootloader
No. Endstops are only read during homing. If all the endstops were unplugged, the board would still run. There are MPCNC builds where the stepper motors are wired “dual” (each motor gets its own stepper driver), but enstops were never wired to the board, and they work just fine.
firmware more, and the bin file does not seem to be converting to a cur file
This is an indication that either the board is dead, or the bootloader needs to be replaced. There are several topics on the forum where non-responsive and non-flashing boards have been fixed by replacing the bootloader. The bootloader is responsible for detecting firmware.bin, uploading/flashing the firmware, and renaming the file.
Thanks for the quick answer! Hopefully it will be the bootloader, but if not I’ll plan to replace the board later this week