Hello all. I have finally taken my comps, and have a bit of free time so I am attempting to work through some issues and began setting everything up.
Post wiring, I’m getting a “no printer attached” board in touchscreen mode, and nothing in Marlin mode. Photos attached of wiring and error codes, as best as I could. Any help would be appreciated
No Printer Attached is usually a baud rate problem, assuming that the wiring is correct. Not enough information in your photos to determine that.
Marlin mode not working is probably wiring. Make sure that you have the EXP1 and EXP2 cables in the correct ports at both ends. Those cables should be keyed with notches in them and for the TFT35 those should be correct. Some of the 12864 controllers have those keyed the wrong way, but that should not be the case here.
So first check that your wiring is correct. The grey cables go to EXP1 and EXP2 which should be labelled on the TFT and on the SKR Pro.
The black cable needs to go to the RS232 port on the TFT and the 5 pin connector on the SKR Pro. The SKR end looks OK, but I can’t see if it’s the right way around.
Hi Dan, do you know how to change the baud rate? I’ve been playing with the screen trying to find it but don’t see it in any of the settings. Attached are closer pictures trying to show the connections.
For the SKR end, make sure that rhe black cable is the correct orientation. There is one pin that is separated put, it goes on the end closest to the grey cables.
Just checked all of those, connections are correct. The baud rate is also correct (250,000). No changes in either mode. All 3 power indicators on the board are lit
Check where the black cable from the screen plugs into the board. the way the cable is made there are 4 wires in one dupont and then a single by its self. but those all go back to a ribbon style cable. Make sure your 4 dupont section isn’t reversed. I had that happen on one of mine and give me the no printer connected. Flipped it around and it worked like it should. For our connections that cable really could be just a 5 dupont connection with no need for the 5v separate.
No change. In marlin mode it just says “Marlin Mode” and when trying to connect on the computer to repetier host it’s not detecting a printer. Touch screen still shows no printer attached.
I have the loose connector closest to the ribbon wires, which I believe is the correct orientation. There is another led above the drivers lighting up, which is labeled Z1
Sounds like you dont have firmware flashed on the SKR Pro. If you did then Marlin mode should work assuming the Gray cables are in the correct orientation.
Weird, it was my understanding that the board came from V1. Last owner was having trouble though so maybe they made changes.
I just tried to redownload it. After putting it on a microSD and putting that into the SKR I repowered it with the screen completely unplugged. Unfortunately it did not give the green flashes, there was no light changes as far as I could see
Unplug the TFT cables from the SKR Pro, and make sure that the firmware.bin file is on the root of the SD card (MicroSD for the SKR Pro)
For the TFT, it has to be connected to the SKR Pro (Or else you have to separately provide 5VDC to it) in order to flash.
I get the feeling though that you’ve got the black cable plugged in wrong, and it’s basically holding down the reset button (Shorting that pin 5 to ground)
No change. the EXP1 and 2 Cables were initially removed when it was rebooted. When that didn’t return any green flashing LEDS I repeated it with the black cables removed.
The loose connector is attached to the top of the board, closest to EXP 2 ribbon cable. I’ve tried reseating them and trying to ensure that everything was fully pressed in.
Receiving the same notifications of no printer on touch mode, and only “Marlin Mode” on marlin mode
Can you connect to the SKR using USB? Starting to sound like a dead board. Marlin mode with the V1 firmware should only require that the cables are properly connected.
Don’t worry as much about the green lights for now, one of those indicates that the firmware on this board has a fan turned on, and the other is a “heartbeat” indicator that this firmware runs, and I don’t think Marlin does.
Hi Dan, sorry for the delay. All three LEDs indicated are lit up, so I was hoping it was not the board. There is a fourth, Z1 labeled LED illuminated located where the stepper motors plug in
Ok, all 3 lit up is good news(?) But if it isn’t flashing the firmware, something isnt right.
You should try plugging in a USB cable to a computer.
It should create a serial port (if not, the board bootloader is toast) and you should be able to connect at 250000 baud. I use putty to connect, but there are many serial terminal programs that can do it. From there you should be able to query the firmware.
The LEDs next to the motors are end stop indicators. They should be on if the end stops are triggered.
All three are definitely lighting up, and another light that I did not see is lighting up now, directly to the left of the usb port. It’s plugged into a USB A to USB B cable (Link below for type), but not showing anything on Repetier host.
Touchscreen mode is still returning no printer attached, and Marlin Mode is returning “Marlin Mode”