Kelly the Carver's Portable LR3 Build Thread - Ice Edition

First of all. If this were ANY other place/space/forum I might be inclined to walk away with my tail between my legs and never return leaving yet another one of those threads in the internet that just stops without any final resolve. But two things prevent me from doing that.

  1. I just don’t do that

but more importantly

  1. V1E is a family and a very special one if I may say so and I appreciate that while I’m sure from this day and forevermore this will be something you all tease me about anytime I have any further problems crop up but in the end you’ll always, always go the extra mile for me (and any member of the V1 family) to help.

So here’s the sin I have to confess. Jamie - do you know what gives you a 145% ratio? The circumferential difference between the toothed pulley and the outer surface of the same pulley which, if inadvertently installed UPSIDE DOWN, the belt would happily ride on without you really being able to see because through the peekaboo hole they both look darn near the same.

The photographic evidence/confession:

Priimary core pulley:

Secondary core pulley:

So how did it get carried over from the initial setup to the new/replacement “matched set” steppers?

I wasn’t paying attention. I had the old stepper by the new one, backed off the pulley’s grub screws, lifted it up from one shaft and dropped it on the other.

Why were they different to begin with? I built the second core from memory, not using the instructions. It’s a pretty simple component of the build really, eight bolts and washers and the x drive assembly. I never looked at the instructions at all which I’m pretty sure say something like “note orientation of the pulley”.

Now, what positives can I take away from this?

I’ve learned how amazing the clear strut plates are for verifying that the sound of a nut falling from the trap was indeed a nut falling from the trap which means you’re now going to be removing the lower bearings on the core to lift it off the rails so you can get the nut back in before reattaching the x drive. The only thing that wold make the clear strut plates better would be cutting the triangles in but in my case I want to try to keep the rail as closed off as I can to keep snow out. The clear strut plates are also amazing for those (many) times I had to rethread the X belt.

Speaking of rethreading the X belt. I’ve developed a killer technique that makes it super easy. I’m sure everyone has already also developed that skill but I like to think it’s because I’m so smart and must be the only one that has ever thought of using another belt fed the opposite direction to then mesh with and pull through the important one.

Oh! Oh! Oh! I’ve also learned how to flash the ESP and load the stuff and swap them and download them to review and post logs! That’s all very valuable learning for me too!

And not that this is a “new” learning for me but this whole adventure has certainly reaffirmed the reality that V1 is an amazing place!

Now let the razzing begin…






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It looks stunning and really, really nails the ice theme.

Regarding the pulleys: I did the same thing for the Primo but caught it pretty early on. You are not alone. Still, this is kind of funny. :yum: Glad you sorted it out.


What a catch! The upside down pulley. Good job finding it. That was a lot of head scratching. But it was all worth it to see the final video of Elsa and Anna dancing in harmony.


OMG :open_mouth:. That is a new problem I don’t know we have seen before.

It is kinda funny :rofl:

Thanks for sticking with it Kelly Flipped Pulley, we all learned something and verified a few other things.


Elsa and Anna have different colour schemes, duh. :roll_eyes:

Thank you for pointing that out! As an ice carver you can imagine we’ve had our fill of Frozen! Now add to that my daughters both landed at “first movie age” right as Frozen 1 AND then Frozen 2 hit theatres.

I know, I know…I’m trying to let it go…

Not to disappoint you Heffe - I DO have a little character to add to this machine yet.

I’m still shaking my head over this. I even tooth-by-tooth counted the pulley teeth at one of the last troubleshoots and missed the flipped pulley!


As always those parts look stunning! Mine very much go with utilitarian, save perhaps the acrylic YZ plates.

Drat. I had meant to go through motion control testing earlier, but I have too many plates spinning right now, and haven’t got to it. Well, I’ll get to doing the motion control testing real soon now™

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So glad you got it sorted out! Congrats!

I’ve hit absolute bottom.


Six days ago (?), after all the flipped pulley caused drama I dug out my shop vac and hoses and floor sweep head and crevice tool and I started at the top. I have now touched absolutely EVERY single surface, every single thing, every single nook, every single cranny. EVERYTHING. And when I say six days ago I mean that literally for the entire day starting roughy around 9:30am and going until midnight or so, I’ve been vacuuming or wiping down my entire shop and all that resides in it. Okay, I guess I had a good break for Father’s Day…

But today I hit bottom. The last stretch was to dig everything out from under my garage platform, clean it all off, clean up the floor under there and then slide everything back - properly inventoried so I don’t have to drag everything out every time I’m looking for something.

Feels great to be done that. And the wife will appreciate it as now my nightly “I’ve been playing in way too much dust today” snoring subsides. Also feels good to be reorganized again and know where everything is (and WHAT everything is). I’m a packrat for sure but we all know that one day, one day you’re going to need a three inch long eye bolt with metric threads so you can’t throw it out.

Carving demo job tomorrow and if the weather is ok when I get back I’ll roll my newly dust-free table saw out of the garage to the driveway, close the garage door and cut the pieces for the “table”.


That sounds great. I built a shelf for my leftover wood and the shop feels a lot more organised. :slight_smile:

Really happy for you, it feels great to have achieved something and have a cleaned-up shop.


Om man that feeling of a new project in a freshly cleaned and organized shop is so cool.


It’s all uphill from here. :slight_smile:

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No sense overthinking this one. Should be just fine as long as I can waterproof it well for the melt.


That looks so good.


wow! That looks way better than my machines do!


Just spent some time visualizing in Photoshop. The best is yet to come ; )


Y? Y not?

First three axis homing. Had to flip the plugs on the Y axis but that’s it. Worked out great, first click.

Curious, why does the Y home to the front and not the rear?

Y Not!

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goodness you made z tall!!!