JJ's V5 Build

I have a fan on the cb1. I noticed the ui started to slow down when it got hot.

There’s a fan shroud that uses a 50mm blower fan that I plan on installing for the stepper motors.

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For me I ended up going back to Trochoidal and pretty much ran the same settings from this post Those just work. As long as you have a good bit and don’t keep trying to use it after its dull you wont have any issues here.

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You going to start you a build thread???

No, money is tight, been tight for a while. No more builds for me unless I can do with what is on hand.

13 and 14 year old girls, braces, 14 year old is turning 15 in a couple months so drivers ed, etc. No builds for me. Just sit back and watch with popcorn


Oh yeah I get that for sure. Good luck with that lol! Your day will come soon enough!

I’ve wondered this for years ???

Are you sure they are both Loctite brand?

I thought all Loctite products came in a red container? some other companies like Permatex have different coloring schemes though

I thought that blue container was loctite but maybe not. I would look at it and see but it hit the trash can lol. Don’t need that sitting around to make the same mistake again lol

just found this picture online…

look like this?

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Yep it was the blue on the left lol

Just me, but personally I’ve found the loctite brand to work better than the permatex brand.

My testing was done over the course of 20k+ miles on a rigid mounted 2003 HD sportster.

I would judge you on the quality, if I wasn’t blinded by all the shiny. :rofl:

It’s why you’re my aluminum reference.
You continue to build my faith in trying aluminum.

Lol Thank you. I mess it up just as much as I get it right that’s for sure. But just got to get in there and get your hands dirty with it.

Well in all honesty, I’m still learning my machine, learning to cut wood and getting used to generating gcode. But I’m looking forward to the day of “experimenting” in either aluminum and “transparent aluminum” (acrylic), or both. Of course this will be after I order the mister from Amazon. (Just not for the acrylic, haven’t forgotten your lessons)

Everyday I argue with myself, if today will be the day I order it, but I keep stopping myself knowing it’s only going to collect dust for a bit. But it’s saved in my “wish list”. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Just use it for air with no IPA and it will help a lot

Go ahead and order it lol. Then it is there ready when you are, will just need a quick dusting lol

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Nice work Jonathan! So much better seeing the slow descent instead of the guillotine drop…

Did you wire these up for the e-brakes?


Yes sir I sure did

Don’t mind that they are out of order lol. By the time I realized I had grabbed the wrong wire it was too short to reach to the next one lol

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Nice! Your V5 build is looking great. I’m still trying to figure out what the notches/indents in the front portal opening are for.

XY belts on the same plane and the sandwich plate parts all look great together. Curious to see how print quality/speeds compare to your tuned V4 build…

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So I can get a screw driver to the belt tension screws