Headless SKR Pro Info

Guess I am not lucky, that is why I don’t gamble, lol

Yes, i understand how frustrating it could be when things goes all wrong when it should not…

OK, got the wifi chip in the mail yesterday. Thanks Ryan, and thanks for the sticker/note

Connected fine, and can see the V1 CNC Control, and load the ESP3d webui.in browser
Can make the mpcnc move around and home.
Next question is: In the files drop down I can see the flash partition and its files.
In any other directory from that drop down, i.e. SD, TFT SD, TFT USB, no files get listed. And yes, I have put cards/usb in each, and the items have .gcode files on them.
Any suggestions?

and…this am, dead as a door nail.

Guess I’m not able to have nice things…

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Hum, can you precise what is dead, do are you able to access ESP3D UI but no nothing moves ?

About files in SDCards not showing in lists, does your SDCard is formatted in FAT32/Old FAT ? Also i remember had ridden somewhere that the maximum size supported card is 32GB.

not even broadcasting
Is 8gig on all of them, FAT32

This happened to me!

I had it running, broadcasting ESP3D, could log i (baud rate mismatch prevented me
From jogging it however) , then an hour later- invisible.

I found it in my router settings, using my home wifi as a client, even though in hadn’t set it up. It somehow connected to the only wifi repeater I have (slightly different SSID since it is 2.4ghz ) with a WPS button, under a completely different IP. I typed in the new IP address and it’s been working fine

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Yep saw that as I have read this whole topic several times.

Working some solutions as we write…

Well my head is bruised for banging it on the shop table, but…
Somehow, some way, I got it back online.
It wasn’t the router or anything on my network. All static IP’ed now. Several reboots and connect/disconnects, still good. Weird but working. Had a hammer ready to smash it to make me feel better, now put away.
Still can’t see files on any SD/USB interface…Tried the M21, then M20 L commands, either comes up as a “parsing error,” or “no media”. Trying a 8gig SD formatted FAT16, 8gig MicroSD formatted FAT16, and a USB 2.0 8gig thumb drive partitioned small, and FAT16.
Shortened all gcode files small just in case


Only one of the storage options is configured. I think it is the microsd on the skr? I’m sure it isn’t the USB.

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Yep- only the microSD on the board next to the wifi chip is enabled for files

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Be sure your sdcard doesn’t contain any filename with chinese or other utf8 characters.
Not sure if that bug exists on that board but i often had that issue on different machines

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Yes the microsd slot on the board. I will check the others but I have only focused on the micro. I do not have a solid connection in my shop so I only use it is standalone access point, I do not connect to my network.

This wifi thing has not started off well. Just like everything I make no one uses it the same as the next guy. This might add to many complications with everyone trying to troubleshoot home router issues.

I will give this a bit more time but so far this looks like a poor option to replace a screen.

Teething problems.

I think it definitely has a lot of merit, considering the gain- I find the tablet way more enjoyable to use than the lcd, simply because I can sit in front of the machine, get close to the bit for lining up etc and just tap the arrow keys on the keyboard. and not have to reach over and possibly fumble with the buttons on the screen.

There’s been more than one occasion where I’ve accidentally pushed 100 instead of Z up and had it top out

Honestly- other than the weird key mapping issue with X and Y not aligning with their axis, it’s pretty much working, right? I’d keep going with it, offer the chips and see what people pick. But having the option for a $35 wireless pendant is a great value add, considering it would be less expensive than the TFT

Just my take, after using it for a few days.

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Found on the ESP3D issue tracker:
SD file Upload error · Issue #754 · luc-github/ESP3D · GitHub :

1 - you must use 4GB sd card as Marlin does not know how to write on higher capacity, on higher capacity sd card, he can read but not write,
2 - be sure your sd is formated with SD Memory Card Formatter | SD Association, never use your OS to format an SD card
3 - take time to read : Discussions · F A Q · luc-github/ESP3D · GitHub

Maybe try to format with the software linked at point 2

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Thanks, I will give a shot for a while longer to see.

I saw that too but have no issues with windows format and reading higher capacity. Again, though, I do not transfer files to it wirelessly I do it physically.

I have this problem with the v1pi. I mostly just ignore it :confused:.

I can tell you how to connect to it as an access point.

Once you know the ip address and it is on your network, I can (probably) tell you how to use it there. But, some common gotchas:

  • it won’t support https, only http. New browsers try a few tricks to get you to use http
  • DNS, some routers are doing DNS and DHCP for you, and they keep the connection from v1pi to 192.168.x.x. But some browsers only use internet DNS, or there are tools to use privacy focused, etc.
  • mDNS/avahi/bonjour/v1pi.local, This works on macs, and linux, but not android and only on windows when some other app has installed it. I am very keen on making sure it works on my network, but I can’t easily encourage everyone else to.
  • Any number of routing, firewall, vpn issues. There are a ton of awful things thay can really screw up home networks. Most homes don’t have a dedicated sysadmin ready to answer questions. Most of us home sysadmins are also tired of dealing with it :slight_smile:

My best guess at the route to success is:

  1. Encourage people to leave it on the access point mode. This eliminates the most issues.
  2. Warn people that using your home router will need some basic understanding of IP addresses, and DNS (I think you need 2/3 to make 1 work, and not sound condescending).
  3. Have an FAQ with 2-3 most likely problems solved. Or things to check.

Ultimately, you won’t reach 100% success, and it will be very hard to support on the forums.

It would be nice if Marlin could ask a few questions to the espui. Something like M192 (not real) would respond with the access point and IP of the esp chip. Then at least you could do some debugging over USB.

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I use it with a TFT and the allocated IP address of the ESP01 is displayed on screen when network layer is up so maybe something like this already exists that make the information to be able to come up.

Edit: ESP3D simply send a M117 message to the display to print the IP address…

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I totally ditched my TFT, but haven’t had issues since the first couple hours.

I have had a bit of experience dealing with dodgy wifi connections on super high end aquarium controllers, so I had that going for me. One of which would only ask for an IP address from the router 1 time, immediately upon start up, so after a power cut, with the router taking 30-45 seconds to broadcast, you’d end up with no internet connection on the controller. I lost over $1200 in corals and fish due to that, and their response was ‘sucks to be you, we are the only guys in town’ .

Anyone know if this chip also does BT? That might bypass some of the wifi worries, right?