Headless SKR Pro Info

The baud rate was not right?

You plugging it into the tft or the skr pro? (I do not think there is a difference but I have only tried it in the SKR)

Into the skr pro

Baud rate was set to 115200

But I set it to 25000 and now it’s running perfectly


Now to find my junky tiny bt keyboard

I will double check today. I swear I have pulled all these off after flashing plugged them in and they work with no changes.


No worries- it’s all sorted. I left it broadcasting as ESP3D, but added my SSID and put it in client mode. I then assigned a static IP to that network and can now log into it via browser from my home wifi.

Changing the baud to 25250 fixed up the controls, and I even threw a webcam on there and was able to watch the lr3 move using keyboard command (arrow keys) from my office 2 floors up.

Just a test- I won’t ever be running it unattended.

I did go into settings and click off the ‘flash SD’ setting, but it would get stuck in a g20/g21 loop with no sd card inserted and I couldn’t do anything. So I added it back.

Now I just need to figure out some cool macros. I want to add an ‘align laser’ macro that shoots the laser at 0.5% for enough time to get it aligned. I did see the macro in the ‘laser time out thread’ so i might just steal that.

Thanks again Ryan- super happy it was practically plug and play.

What is super odd is that it seems to have piggy backed into my home network and added itself… it was attached to a 2.4ghz booster signal I use to connect to the pool equipment at the other end of the yard. I have it plugged into an outdoor receptacle right outside my workshop door, maybe 12 feet from the LR3.

I hadn’t even found the network settings before @olijouve suggested the ESP3D SSID disappeared because it had connected to my own network. And sure enough, it’s labelled as a
Connected device on my router.

That wifi bridge is the only thing I have with a WPS button on it. Everything else is newer mesh. Is it possible it connected automatically somehow?

Hey all, just curious if I am missing something. I have everything running and responding to the wifi upgrade, controls work well. Is there a way to upload gcode directly thro ESP3D or do you have to add them directly to the sd then plug it back into the skr?

I am on 515 and have the wifi chip on the skr ports.

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Well sorry for the hiccups, I will use your feedback to fix the rest. I have some ideas for more macros as well.

It would need to know what network and the password, I can’t see how it would. Unless your network is open, even then it is in AP mode.

I believe you can select the sd card and then upload, it is extremely slow though and pretty error prone from what I have read. But I will make a note to give it a try myself tomorrow.

I was surprised by the webcam too- pity it didnt work this morming, lol

Q re: macros. It seems i can only do 1 line of gcode? I tried the z-probe macro and found out too late that it didnt include a ‘zero’ position command. I tried to jog it using G0 x25 f600 and it jammed it into the bed. My bad. Should have checked first

Is it possible to write a macro to do z-probe, subtract plate thickness offset, record new 0, then raise Z to get the probe out? Or is that going to be a custom gcode file on the card?

At this point you have tried and know more about it than me. I plugged it in and ran my macros and my gcode. I have not tried anything else. I’m not all that fancy, I just need to cut stuff as fast as possible.

Maybe you can do all the commands on one line, or a comma or something, I will see if there is any info on the ESPUI github page.

You are currently our headless expert!!!

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Thinking about this, I have no idea what is up with your baud rate. The one I sent you I actually unplugged from my LR3, that I was using for a few days. I am so confused as to why anything needed to be changed.

So weird

Working fine though. So all good

That’s daunting! I barely know what end the wood goes in, lol

I’ll try putting it on one line and see what happens

Agree- this thing is dope. i just typed this message with the Rii 8

Edit- after playing with it for a bit

Did you notice how the arrow pad directions aren’t the same as the axis directions?

Unless they can be remapped in ESP3D

I was playing with it tonight and got this-

On the keyboard:
X+ up arrow
X- down arrow

Y+ right arrow
Y- left arrow

Z+ pg up
Z- pg dn

Standing at the front left corner, facing the machine as the home position-

X axis is left/right
Y axis is Up/down

@vicious1 can the keyboard inputs be remapped in ESP3D?

If not, I’ll simply use ethanol to remove the label on the keypad buttons and draw new ones on, lol

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Hello all,
So, I got a ESP-01s, and a programmer.
All flashed good. Review on the programmer after I get this resolved.
Hung up now on this issue:
My internet modem is set and cannot be changed. It uses ESP module IP conflicts and I cannot connect to change its IP.
Is there a way to reset the IP on this via COM connection? A firmware change?

Shouldn’t be an issue as you need to connect to esp01’s ESP3D wifi first(so not connected to your router)
Then you can specify your router wifi ssid and password and eventually a static ip address. If you choose to go with dynamic ip address(default i think) then your router’s DHCP server will give a free ip address to your esp01 after saving settings and rebooting your board

I had thought it would be that easy.
I can see the “ESP3D” access point, but when trying to connect it chokes.
Using my old time netware and windows server memories, the network mapping is conflicting as the IP is already reserved. Everything loops to the cable modem browser setup page. I even disabled the network, and tried that with nothing else. Nope, didn’t work

Hum strange ! You could still turn off your router just the needed time to connect to esp01 and make the changes

well, this ain’t my first rodeo, already tried that.
Reminds me of ole token ring network issues, lmao

Reboot the computer/ device you are using to connect after having your router shutdowned.
It will clear arp cache