Good news and bad news

Today I finally again got my huge CNC table for my LR4 completely cleaned off. Please rejoice with me. That’s the good news.

But, when I went to go get the full sheet of hardwood plywood with red oak veneer on both sides, it was not in the stack of plywood in the garage. I was baffled until I realized it was still in the Grand Caravan — I had not brought it in yet. That’s not the bad news. Bad news is there is un-shoveled snow, about 7-8 inches, between the garage and the van, and I’m too cold, too old, too tired and too unmotivated to deal with it. Please weep with me.

Romans 12:15



I feel this. We don’t have much snow here but it’s too cold for me to want to do anything. My current Lowrider usage involves me turning on the power to it and going back in the house (to play with wireless pendants and LEDs).

Hmm, I have a wifi outlet I should use.

Psalm 30:5


Proverbs 21:25-26


But then again, my LR hasn’t seen much use in the last few months due to a bathroom remodel project.


Hey, i am in Michigan, bitter cold, but no snow right now. You can keep it :slight_smile:

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TIL you can stuff a 4x8 sheet of plywood in a Grand Caravan

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That fact and a great place to transport the fur babies :baby:

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That’s what i use to haul full sheets fully covered with seats that all fold in the floor. Kept that thing alive and around longer than i would have just for plywood hauling. Not pretty. Not super manly, but it gets the job done easily with the key fob hatch action. Hauls sheetrock as well and in a pinch will haul 1/2 yard of yard stuff with the neighbors trailer.


It’s the coolest thing. This is true of all the models that have the stow-and-go feature for flipping the seats down inside the floor. The auto engineers that designed it were told that an essential design goal was that this vehicle needs to be able to haul 4’ x 8’ sheet(s) of plywood.

I have discovered not only can it haul 4 x 8’ sheets, but I can also haul a full sheet of MDF, which is an inch wider, and an inch longer

Apparently there are quite a few pickup trucks that cannot easily do it so well as the bed of the truck is not wide enough to lay them flat especially given the wheel wells.

So, even though my Dodge Grand Caravan is old and high miles and has been paid for for a long time and has quite a few little things wrong with it, I still hang onto it, because of its ability to haul full sheets.


My truck is 2008 and 230k miles, I can relate!


Our car runs ~1500km a year, our cargobike runs ~4000… plus the normal biking. No MDF sheets on that one though. :slight_smile:


I almost had my lr3 all cleared off. Then it got full of irritation.


Looks like maybe full irrigation instead. Is that a UV water filter?

I can’t imagine bothering to clear only 8" of snow with other things on the agenda to do, I’d never get anything done. Work first. Snow last. Wait for another foot!

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My son went and cleared a path, but now more snow is covering up that path. At least it will be easier whenever we finally get it done.

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We got 6" or so just before christmas and after it was high 30s for a week and now it is all gone and it is just colder. Not terrible cold, but cold enough i stay out of the garage as much as possible.

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we got 0 inches for the past… 50 years or so


:joy: we get 27-28 c ambient temps and you see most ppl with coats in my country


Yes, we were on a friend’s verandah last night and we had to go inside because it got down to 25! :rofl: :rofl:


-5 degrees this morning. Reminder that it’s winter is coming

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No snow here.
Perth, Western Australia.
Just swapped 7’ X 6’4" tray from standard tub. Figure this will be essential for keeping the full sheet LowRider V4
(Perth Western Australia LR4) fed.

Mourning with you Doug. Hope that your vigor returns soon.