Perth Western Australia LR4

8x4 Full Sheet - Just cut out strut plates. Excellent results :smile:. Very :grin:.
Issues -

  1. Accidentally ordered MPCNC version of Jackpot board. Had to replace MPCNC yaml file with LowRider version. (refer 2. below) This took sooo long, but learn’t a lot.
  2. Windows 11 drivers for UART ~ wasted hours here ~40+ Tried 2 laptops, multiple USB Cables, even installed Linux. Eventually, used web interface on Linux laptop. This bare Linux laptop has become my CNC controller of choice. (Mobile phone keeps dropping FluidNc wifi connection unhappy :sob:).
  3. Spent many hours setting up required 8+’ X 4+’ support, which was repurposed for Christmas purposes. Finally, just laid Sheets of MDF on undercover paving. Initial results excellent :+1:.
  4. Spent many hours researching torsion box table construction. Settled on 12mm MDF torsion box approx 2" thick with walls approx 8-9" spacing. This will pivot upwards for storage.
  5. Outstanding issue - left hand side Z stepper motor drops randomly when cutting. Happening about once every hour :pensive:. Also LHS Z stepper drops very easily when power is off, … is this normal?
  6. Thank you everyone for information posted to these forums. Biggest thank you to Ryan for design and support. Planning order for 2nd LowRider this week. :slight_smile:

Good to see another build here in Perth - I have just built a MPCNC over Christmas here with one of my sons.

In terms of the stepper motors, they will hold in place when powered up - sounds strange that it is dropping when cutting. My first reaction is that it might be the wiring - worth checking.

In terms of size is this to be able to cut a full 2400x1200mm sheet? Quite impressive!

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Awesome update. Congrats on the progress!

Have you checked your grub screw for tightness?

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yep, me too used an android tablet back in the days and that was a headache. in the end made a kiosk with a rasperry pi 4 an usb atached chromebook ssd and a 15" resistive touchscreen.

could you upload your config.yaml to see your holding amps also one of your gcodes thats failing? or tell us your z rapids & z speeds?