Forum update, new menu, options

I added google, and updated twitter. If you wouldn’t mind checking, that would be rad. I will work on github now.

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Yep, google sign-in works for me.

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Yes!!! I didn’t get it before, worked this time. Awesome!

Want me to merge your two accounts? Odd that they are different.

Thanks for fixing Google Auth. Guessing you’re busy fixing github and other auth providers. For github currently seeing…

forum. v1e .com /auth/github/callback?error=redirect_uri_mismatch&error_description=The+redirect_uri+MUST+match+the+registered+callback+URL+for+this+application.&error_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs . github . com%2Fapps%2Fmanaging-oauth-apps%2Ftroubleshooting-authorization-request-errors%2F%23redirect-uri-mismatch&state=85da1b8d0989f56a328d80371b0c5701e8ab0bd81ccc5257

You’re busy with more important stuff. If it’s easy for you, sure thing, appreciate it, just don’t lose my badges :slight_smile: azabc2 login would be preferred if possible. Cheers!

I initially signed up using github account because I don’t recall google being an option, not a big deal. Just happy the overall transition is going relatively smooth. Well at least that’s how it looks from my end.

Ugh, meant azab2c

Okay I hope I did that right, it is merging. Maybe don’t post for 10 minutes or so. It looks to be doing a lot.

Done. Let me know if anything seems weird. I have only ever done that once before.

Let me try github again.

Okay, figured out I can use a private browser window to test the logins, duh. They all work now…sweet.

incognito is your friend

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Some people have all the fun :rofl:

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Can we have a “Hangout” channel at the Discord? I don’t want to clutter #general with talk about all sorts of nonsense. And when in the living-room(atm waiting for my wife to finish with the Playstation!), I’m not able to voicechat.

I was not sure where to put a bug report, so I put it over there: