I have a lot of ideas now that I’ve seen some of the capabilities of the library I’m using. I may need a normal mode and a fancy mode. Normal mode would be just a color for different states and having a different color that tracks the current position, likely covering the width of the core. It could perhaps change color when it reaches the limits.
Fancy mode could do more interesting things. Like displaying the lights in a wave traveling in the direction it’s moving. Maybe in the alarm state have a flame effect coming from the core.
I don’t think I have a good way of getting if an endstop is triggered without wiring something to the endstop pins on the Jackpot.
the Pn:XY I believe tells you that X and Y are triggered.
I’m just on the simulator at the moment and can’t tell you exact what FluidNC reports. I’m not sure individual switches will show. Might just be one per axis
Thanks. I missed that one in the giant list of things that can go into the status string.
It does appear to be one per axis but that is still be a useful indicator. Even if not displayed directly, it might be good to show some kind of warning color maybe with blinking if an endstop stays triggered for more than a second.
I couldn’t figure out what you were talking about. Then I realized that doesn’t happen in my themes. It shows the circles but doesn’t highlight when the endstop triggers. That should be an easy fix.
Is there any way in FluidNC to tell if the machine has been homed yet? Showing the X position on the LEDs doesn’t really make sense until the machine is homed.
I thought about maybe using these macros to initialize and set a variable but I’d rather not. I assume that after_homing gets called after any axis is home and I only care about X.
Maybe I just assume you’re going to home the machine. During homing, it could show a wave in the X homing position. I would have to determine which direction is currently homing. I think I can only figure that out by change in X position.
Also, this Youtube series on the FastLED library I’m using is very well done. I’m not sure how many of you care about the code and math behind LED animations but I think it’s pretty interesting. I don’t need to know most of this, but there’s a lot of useful information in there. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgXkGn3BBAGi5dTOCuEwrLuFtfz0kGFTC