FluidNC LED Musings

Ummm, I did a thing and it’s AWESOME.

I lied. Well, more like curiosity got the better of me.

Preset maps to a status and for Run and Jog states, the position is overlaid with white. More to do but this is the new path.


I think you have enough leds for a few lr’s lol


That is freakin’ cool. I look forward to more details!


Very cool.


Dang that is wild. You are a true magician.

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This is really cool. Thinking out loud, could it show “missed steps”?

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If the system knew it was missing steps, it could correct for them. Without closed-loop stepper control, no.

Closed-loop stepper control comes with its’ own set of issues.


I didn’t know that but it makes sense and I learned something new today :slight_smile:

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It needs to be information in the status string. So, some additional things I’m considering:

  • If the X, Y, Z limits are triggered. This is just one per axis.
  • When running a job, there’s a percent complete which could allow the LED strip to be used as a progress bar.

After poking around the WLED discord, it sounds like the general opinion of GLEDOPTO is “run away”. Cancelled my order, will find something else.

Ordered one of these instead. I might get one of the more powerful ones to adventure further into the WLED world, but this looks good for my current purposes. USB-C powered up to 3 amps and can also be used for flashing. Handles 5v LEDs only.

QuinLED products appear to be held in high regard within the WLED community, are well documented, and there is a lot of useful information on that site.

Now just pondering the usage of audio reactive effects.


Good choice, there’s an active community round those things and Quindor has a lot of YouTube videos.

Careful now, it’s quite the rabbit hole. One day you’re buying some 2812 LEDs and a diguno next thing you know you’re synchronising xlights image mapped routines with an fm transmitter and your house is lit up like the Griswalds and can be seen from space.


Did you start a thread? If so, can you link?

I just got my Jackpot board, and I’m also a Home Assistant user, and naturally one of my first thoughts was how to integrate with HA. Silly, in a way, because I am very unlikely to be running jobs on my primo without being physically present at the tool, but I still want to do it.

Run away as in difficult to use? Or run away as in dangerous? I have a couple of GLEDOPTO WLED controllers (the lever style), including one I just used to set up an over-the-range LED strip. I’ve been keeping an eye on it since installing it, as I’m leery of stuff that’s got power 24/7, but I have to sleep sometimes.

My 24V chip on board LED strip is attached with the peel and stick — directly onto the bottom of my lower strut plate, and that strut plate came from the store with a layer of white primer on one side, which I have facing down — or it might be white paint, or primer and paint both — I don’t know. I think it’s just primer. I designed and printed some little tiny plastic clip strips, and used tiny screws to attach them in intervals, to ensure that the strip would not fall down into the work load if the peel and stick adhesive gave out on me. The heat of the lights was my concern, as in would the peel and stick adhesive hold up under exposure to heat. I have the same power supply as you, and I forked it to provide power to the lights, as well as to the jackpot.

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I knew it was a rabbit hole but it’s even bigger than I expected. WLED itself has so many more features than I expected and branches off into supporting other crazy LED capabilities.


For mounting I’m using these, they come with metal clips.

I didn’t get an impression that it was dangerous, it seemed to be more from a quality/reliability/design standpoint. It seems like it works fine for a lot of people.

I wasn’t sure if I should point them straight down or angle them forward. I’ll have to test it out.

Very good to hear. My experience with gledopto stuff has been good so far. I have a Zigbee-based led strip I’ve used in my office for a couple of years with no trouble.

But the plural of anecdote isn’t data, so the more info the better, especially if it involves any catastrophic failure.

My biggest concern with the gledopto controllers is there’s no obvious fuse in place unlike the Quinled gear. Fuses are a very good idea, even though WLEDs default limits should make it hard to overload your wiring.