the beta has full functionality but may still be a bit buggy.
the beta has full functionality but may still be a bit buggy.
Thank you Christian. I purchased Estlcam before I even had my MPCNC, and have continued to be impressed with it. Hoping to convert some at our makerspace over to using it as well once we build an MPCNC there.
Hello Christian, as well as thank the Beta version of your software I have tried to empty toolpath today …
I wanted to ask how you can contribute to the Italian translation of the software
Thank you
Hey again Christian,
Thank you again for the update. I have a couple of feature questions:
old files unfortunately cannot be opened - there will also be no workaround available because the file format changed drastically.
Undo is only available for a few actions - e.g. if you create shapes manually you can undo every step with the backspace key. If you mess up something just delete the affected object - but this should rarely be necessary as all parameters can be changed at any time to new values.
Font selection list is fixed with version 9.038
Text objects are special - they will always return to their start position for editing.
Unless you select “explode text object” - in this case all letters become individual objects and can be moved wherever you like - but then the text itself cannot be changed anymore.
Homing Problem: I’d like machine to home only to x & y limit switches. I have both z axis switches disabled and not connected and of course reflashed the Arduino. EstlCam still wants to home z where the z axis continues up and cannot be stopped except with power or reset. It worked as expected with the z axis limit switched connected. . A bug or am I doing something stupid. EstlCam v9.018 Ramps 1.4
@Bill, just use the X home and Y home buttons. You’re lucky, if I hit Z home, it goes down, which can tear apart the motor mounts!
I ask you one thing,
setting in the CNC controller card do not understand why there is the note to set the steps to 1600 …
Use nema 17 1.8deg/step then with 200 steps per revolution and in general have 160step to make 1 mm(with my pulley)
If imposed in 1600 then I should put 8mm?
Thanks for the clarification
I wanted to ask how you can contribute to the Italian translation of the software?
Just building my first machine. I had loaded Marlin Firmware already on my Mega/Ramps 1.4 w/ 12864 LCD Controller. Everything seems to work well(Still waiting on motors and other small parts) but i would love to be able to use the Estlcam firmware and have access to controlling the machine by PC as well.
My question is: Can i use the LCD with the current Estlcam firmware which has Error, Probe and Spindle features on those pins? Or is it a one or the other type of choice?
thanks for a fantastic project with MPCNC and the integration of Estlcam software
Now everyone has tried Estlcam deeper, could someone help me and give a basic parameter setup so i can try to drive my CNC with Estlcam please ?
I ve built the latest version with all the basic hardware Vicious is recommending: Nema 17 and 8mm threaded rod for the Z axis, gt2 16t pulley, 2mm belt. Actually everything is set up with the recommended parameters in the build assembly (32nd stepping using DRV8825).
I am really lost when it comes to put the right values in the different field Extlacam is asking before programming like Steps per revolution and Distance per revolution, Acceleration distance, Inertia…
Also i don’t want to put the Z in 1/4 stepping mode… is it possible to stay at 32nd stepping mode on all axes ?
Thanks for your help guys
Glenn: Those pins used by the display are also used by ESTLCAM, so unless the firmware is rewritten to use different pins and support the display, no.
Matt: I think you will run into a pulse rate limit trying to use 1/32 for the Z and getting any reasonable max feed rate. Almost all steppers have 200 full steps/revolution. At 1/4 resolution (1.25mm/revolution/800 steps = 0.0016mm/microstep). Even at 1/1 it is 1.25/200=.006mm/microstep resolution (more than enough for most work).
X&Y are different as the belt and pulley gives 16*2mm=32mm/revolution. At 1/1 this gives 0.16mm/step which is pretty coarse. Most folks seem to run at 1/8 which gives 32/1600=.02mm/microstep, more than adequate.
My rule is to use the minimum number of microsteps to give the desired resolution and smooth quiet operation.
As for accelleration and Inertia, Christian has a good video on how to experimentally determine the optimal numbers. I found Vicious’ to be a good starting point.
@Bill Branan
Thanks for your answer i understand better how it works
Could you eventually tell me how much an 8mm threaded rod travel per revolution ?
Matt: As I noted above, the most common 8mm threaded rod has a pitch of 1.25 mm. As it is a single start thread, the lead is also 1.25mm which is the distance it travels per revolution. A fine metric thread has a pitch and lead of 1.0mm.
Thank you @Bill Branan
How do I configure the origin of the axes in Estlcam?
The zero button on the bottom of the list on the left. It lets you set your zero point anywhere you want.
I added a new video showing a little trick to zero workpieces:
Very nice work!
I tired to set up ESTLCAM according to your basic set up on the first page but i am not getting good results.
Z is working correctly but X and Y motors are grinding, they make strange noise and stop moving.
I tried to put them in 1/8 step like christian is recommanding and putting the acceleration to 32mm but it did not resolve the problem.
The only way i found to get things working correctly is to reduce the feedrate to 90mm/s.
Can you tell me how you manage to get 150mm/s on the X and Y axis please ?
I use Marlin. I am not the one to ask about this.