Dust collector chip seperator

I bought a “way too big” dust collector for my shed from hazard fraught (harbor freight). It’s actually worling really well and was a great value. I didn’t even fill up the first bag yet, but I cringed every time a chunk of wood would accidentally make it through to the impeller. I’ve been researching a while and my final “design” is to connect the hose to a thein baffle, and then the impeller/motor amd then just vent outside.

I found a “fiber drum” from a guy in Denver (http://www.containerreclaimer.com/Fiber%20Drums.html) for $10! (I actually tried to pay him $20 and he wouldn’t let me).

I bought a 4’ or so 5" metal duct pipe and I spent some time making the carcass for the thein seperator. It’s not perfect, but I put a ton of epoxy and silicone on it.

[attachment file=66315]

Then I needed to connect it to my HF hose parts so I printed up some adaptors (they are like 123mm to 129mm or something ridiculous like that). They are the purple parts.

Then today, I mounted the motor and impeller on the ceiling/wall and it works great! I have a 5" vent coming from the amazon (dryer vents are 4") tomorrow.

So I’m not totally done.

I have to install the outside vent.

I have to actually make the thein part, but I think this should actually seperate pretty well on it’s own, and I’m venting the rest outside anyway. I might drag my feet on this for a long time.

I also want to take the wheels and build a smaller base for the drum. I’ll need to shorten the long gray hose. For this to fit.

I also want to wire in a switch at waist height, and maybe do some remote control or current sensing circuit to turn it on/off.

I did get to actually try it though and it still has a ton of suction and even though the air is just blowing back into the shop right now, it’s actually pretty clean. I really like the setup, and I’m glad I have the space back (it’s about half the size of the HF alone).


I am in love with my $30 HD one, so I can only imagine how nice that giant one will be! My little shop stays much cleaner as well. Worth the money and time you spend on it in my opinion.

Hey Jeff, how big is the circuit breaker the dust collector is on? I’ve been wanting to get one of these, but not sure the barn has a big enough breaker.

When he want to use it he makes me run on the treadmill behind his shop. He likes to be off the grid with his dust collection for some reason. He has to work quick though I can only run for about 30-45 seconds and then the machine turns down to a gentle breeze as I try and catch my breath.

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I have the exhaust connected to a turbine, so it’s a perpetual motion machine. I wouldn’t ever turn it off, but it can accelerate faster than the speed of light, which obviously, isn’t covered by my insurance.


I originally had it connected to a 15A breaker, through a 100ft extension cord, and it would trip the breaker if I ran it at the same time as my table saw. I’ve since connected it to a 20A breaker, and the 15A is dedicated to my TS. All the other tools and lights are also attached to my 20A breaker, and I haven’t noticed any problems (no lights dimming or anything).

So I’d guess it’s close to 7.5A or so.

Crap. I need more power in my barn.

Nice build Jeff! I actually just started down this path yesterday by picking up a HF dust collector off my local craigslist. I originally thought I would vent outside, but have changed my mind. I ultimately intend to have a/c in the shop building and an exterior vent would just blow all that out. Now I am thinking of using one of the felt filter bags (1-2 micron) instead of the 5 micron bag that it came with. I am planning on going the “top hat” route on a plastic trash can. Might use a drum though, there are lots of those on CL for $10-$15.

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I have been thinking about dust too. I was given HF impeller/ motor and was thing thinking about using this Oneida Air Systems supper dust deputy cyclone. I was thinking if I put on top of the 55 gallon plastic drum that I picked up from work I should be set. Now that people are talking about power I may have a problem.



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My shop is 10’x16’ so I almost build a leanto to move it outside. I definitely would not like having the big bag and a collector on this shop. I’m also not sure I have enough ceiling height for the cyclone on top of a bucket. :frowning:

Honestly, this is probably bigger than I’ll need for my tiny shop, but once I bought the HF DC, this was the best way to compact it. Also, for the record, this is for my table saw, and the woodworking power tools. My low rider actually has a different shop vac because it’s in the garage.

I also don’t have AC or a heater. You guys and your nice big shops… Let me know if you want me to come by and test 'em out. :slight_smile:

I made some more progress today. It’s now actually venting outside. I had a nice printed adaptor, but I didn’t think about how I would get it in. I made a duct tape patch instead :slight_smile:

[attachment file=67341]

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Woo!! Getting more power a few days after labor day!


How is that happening? Is the electrical company doing it or an electrician or a contractor?

The power company has a transformer a few feet from my shed, and they are installing a new trench there, but I think I still need to run a trench from my house to get any real power.

I sure hope that fan in the window is blowing out :slight_smile:

To come from the transformer would mean a new meter which would be a new service. What is the power to your shed now?

Yep. That’s my air filtration system.

I have two “temporary” extension cords…

I know I would need a new meter. I just hate the waste of wiring it to the house and then to the shed, along almost identical paths. Which means I will probably have trouble when I do run power, because the desired path is already taken.

My old place has a separate meter for the garage, with a totally separate drop feeding it. It was something like $7.00/month extra to have two accounts, the base charge without any usage. No problems with lack of power in that garage…

Barn power comes from the house. They’re going to look at the current wiring and determine if it can handle bigger breakers, and if not trench in bigger wire. Most likely going to need bigger wire. We’re also putting in solar panels, which will be on the barn, so we probably need beefier wire anyway.

Bill, I called xcel once because I heard about things like this. They told me “no”. I might ask again, since they are going to bw working on the transformer this week. It would be nice. If it was $20/mo… I might not get that value. Certainly if I replaced this shop with a bigger one, I would want dedicated power.