I bought a “way too big” dust collector for my shed from hazard fraught (harbor freight). It’s actually worling really well and was a great value. I didn’t even fill up the first bag yet, but I cringed every time a chunk of wood would accidentally make it through to the impeller. I’ve been researching a while and my final “design” is to connect the hose to a thein baffle, and then the impeller/motor amd then just vent outside.
I found a “fiber drum” from a guy in Denver (http://www.containerreclaimer.com/Fiber%20Drums.html) for $10! (I actually tried to pay him $20 and he wouldn’t let me).
I bought a 4’ or so 5" metal duct pipe and I spent some time making the carcass for the thein seperator. It’s not perfect, but I put a ton of epoxy and silicone on it.
[attachment file=66315]
Then I needed to connect it to my HF hose parts so I printed up some adaptors (they are like 123mm to 129mm or something ridiculous like that). They are the purple parts.
Then today, I mounted the motor and impeller on the ceiling/wall and it works great! I have a 5" vent coming from the amazon (dryer vents are 4") tomorrow.
So I’m not totally done.
I have to install the outside vent.
I have to actually make the thein part, but I think this should actually seperate pretty well on it’s own, and I’m venting the rest outside anyway. I might drag my feet on this for a long time.
I also want to take the wheels and build a smaller base for the drum. I’ll need to shorten the long gray hose. For this to fit.
I also want to wire in a switch at waist height, and maybe do some remote control or current sensing circuit to turn it on/off.
I did get to actually try it though and it still has a ton of suction and even though the air is just blowing back into the shop right now, it’s actually pretty clean. I really like the setup, and I’m glad I have the space back (it’s about half the size of the HF alone).