Der Froschkönig - Lowrider 3 in Oldenburg, Germany

Well I just learned yesterday that 16mm DOC at 1500mm/s in oak is a no go… Ask me how I know -_-

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That would be really hard to do even for a non-plastic CNC. I have been using the Sorotec App and use their settings as the ceiling.

DOC is the hardest to increase. The rule of thumb is 1x diameter in hardwood, 2x diameter in softer wood. 15 is 2.5 in hardwood. :smile:


Yeah the hardest part is getting the chips out. You can go nuts in a pocket but slotting is a beast. Definitely get to the 1xD depth though.


Blood for the blood god! :smile:


Now that is super cool. I have never seen wood that color.

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It’s Mexican Red Heart, can’t be kiln dried though, so I am not sure how it’s going to hold up in the long run. :smile:

I feel you… :slight_smile:


That’s padauk though, is it?

And I think you could go faster, the chips look pretty small. :smile:

Not at all, I whish it was… that’s “Akola”…
In fact it’s an exotic wood usually used for decks. They had a blowout sale at the local home improvement shop so I just bought a blade and tested it…


The dust seems pretty nasty tough :confused:
Just breathing it for a few minutes made m’y n’ose itch and bleed >_<

I also bought a floor board of “Tali” and “Jatoba”

Top to bottom: akola, jatoba, tali

The akola is brown in it’s stock form, but reddish when cut, looks a bit like mahogany

The Tali is yellowish when cut, a bit like ash…

I didn’t try the jatoba yet

Shame I busted the parts… But that’s akola top, tali bottom

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Hmm, good idea. The wood looks great. I have a little piece of those I took from my grandfather’s shop after he died.

TBH they’re not even that cheap… but it’s pretty simple to get a few board from the local shop, so…

Tali: 2100x145x21 → 18.90€
Akola: 2000x145x22 → 20.40€
Jatoba: 2500x142x21 → 23.98€

Yelllow (Satinwood - hardest wood I’ve ever machine and smells soooo good):

Purple (Purple Heart):

All the colours (Purple Heart (Africa), Pear (Gerrmany), Satinwood (East India), Red Heart(Mexico)):

Test fit (the holes were nearly a mm too small despite a finishing pass first. The CNC and I gotta talk… board is Cherry (Germany)):


This purple Heart is gorgeous!


Had some major flex when planing the board with a 6mm 2-flute, 24k RPM, 6mm DOC, 75% stepover and 3000mm/min… Like, wow. I found the LowRider’s limits. Especially the red heart and the satinwood really derailed it.
Slowed it down a tad, cut the holes:

Still needs the brim, holes for magnets and lid.


Seems crazy that some have issue at 3.2mm, single flute2mm DOC, 20% step over, 480mm/min.

I bet if you grabbed a single flute, you could easily get a higher material removal rate. I bet that two flute was packing up instead of cutting at those speeds.

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Actually not. At 3k it made some nice chips, but it shows the limits of the LR flex-wise. :stuck_out_tongue: I slowed it down later to 1500mm/min - with 24k it just produces sawdust, down to 12k it’s working fine with 3mm DOC.


Where were you noticing the issue? If someone to be working on a new machine, seeing where the flex showed up for you could be helpful.

Z, X, Y?

You can see the core on Y (and a little bit X) move 1-2mm, the whole gantry twists with those forces. The core is tight. It’s nothing you can’t see. :smiley:

I made a video, I hope one can see that. It’s always a lot easier to see in reality.

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I’d love to see that :slight_smile: Where do your videos usually go?

Here you go, completely unedited and unlisted. You can see it especially in the red heart. The purple heart is end grain, there is no movement, the rest is face grain. I am also playing around with the speed to check when it happens. :slight_smile:

@vicious1 I volunteer for the new beam stress test. :stuck_out_tongue: My router still has reserves. :stuck_out_tongue: