Der Froschkönig - Lowrider 3 in Oldenburg, Germany

What is your printer?

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That is sharp!

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Prusa Mini. The prints look pretty good.

Actually, out of curiosity - what nozzle size and layer height did you opt for?

Why are the cables changing colours? Only Primo building me knows… So now I have to play the game: if red is black, then what is green and where does it go into the driver… :sweat_smile:

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Same I used for the Primo, except the infill: MPCNC Primo Schneewittchen - Oldenburg, Germany - #152 by Tokoloshe


Table nearly done, not completely straight for whatever reason, still needs the vacuum channels, but that needs the finished LR3.


Thanks for the settings - match mine except I’m a big fan of gyroid infill for this sort of stuff - it just looks as though it works in 3 dimensions (even if in reality the difference must be negligible!)

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It’s alive! All the motors turn, despite my colour-coding madness and ll the endstops are triggering in spite of @bitingmidge 's scepticism. :smiley: Pretty neat.

Now I have a bit of a mess to clean up, think about how to secure the drivers inside of the gantry (the easy part) and how to attach this massive control board to it as well. The power supply is going to be mounted below the table.


That’s what my computer desk/work bench looks like!! It is amazing how we can ever find anything/get anything accomplished!!


This is normally my desk where I grade papers… :smiley: Moved the whole construction to my room instead of the workshop so I could work on it in the evenings while the baby is sleeping on me… :smiley:


I want to print this case (Printables) so badly, but my printer is too small and my guy with the bigger printer has problems with his Voron… :frowning:

That looks like a great way to make a CNC-able case.

What if you just printed the corners (all the way into the closest board mount screw location, screw in the board on top, bottom on the bottom), and you cut out all the sides, top and bottom on the CNC? That would be awesome.


Good Idea! I’ll try to somehow do that. :slight_smile:

Kinda going down this path, B3DPMC or BPMC (barely 3D printed, mostly cnc’d)? With the corners having tracks to allow diff board mounts, will share files if it’ll help? I understand if you don’t like the intentional look of corners being exposed, and raised slightly above the panel surface.

Mounting screens in my case but you don’t need to, intended to be modular.

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I’d like to try something similar but different. :slightly_smiling_face: With yours I’d still have the problems of 18cm max width.

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What’s your board dimensions and mount hole spacing? Could maybe print the corner beams, for design you end up with, diagonally on your 18cm x 18cm bed to print corner beams that are up to ~25cm long?

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I’ll fiddle around some, got some ideas floating through my head. Thanks a lot for all the great ideas. :slightly_smiling_face:

Could I also create a latch that closes with little magnets, or does that fry the board?

Big oof. Tensioner broke…