I built an LR3, is the 3d printer harder or easier to make? if you’ve built both could you give a 1 out of 10 difficulty rating for both?
you should probably indicate which version you wish to build. They are on V5 right now I think.
The most recent V5
Its harder
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I have built both the LR3(build thread) and the MP3DP V5(build thread)
The printer is harder.
ANY printer is harder.
The actual build is slightly harder because you have a little more involved wiring, you need to cut the aluminum plates, etc., etc.
However, tuning a printer to give you very good results, in my opinion, is significantly more difficult than getting the LowRider 3/4 cutting properly.
fwiw shared build steps/videos for MP3DP v4 at https://zoomtube.com/@azab2c/make/v1e-mp3dp-v4. v5 is superior, but I don’t know by how much. v5’s twisted belt is pretty neat.
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