Another New LR3 Build in Australia

Hi Dan,

Thanks for taking the time to point that out!
I completely forgot about the Z End stops, once i realised i went and had a look at the glamor shots on the build page to see if there was one or two Z endstps. I was sure there was, but while doing that i noticed that little wire.

Luckily I had a spare pair on the opposite side to use and this side ( the photo you put in ) is the same side as the controller, so that will be easy.
Rayan and the beta testers have done an amazing job adding those little details, like that slot, into the design. I am continually amazed at the level of detail that is present in the LR3.

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@vicious1 @jeffeb3

So, I have previously mentioned that I brought the wrong board, the BTT SKR 3EZ, and realising that I checked the pin out of the end stops for the +5v, G, S pins to make sure they were the same as the BTT SKR PRO, no big surprise that they are different. (for instance, not that it matters but the endstops use 3.3v instead of 5v, not that we use it)

Attached are the board schematics, its seem they are using different CALLS (dunno what they are actually called PC10, PC6, PE15, PE10)



So, not having used the firmware that loads onto the board before, is there a “test” page to make sure that the expected END STOP is being triggered? Or is there there somewhere i can see the output of the GCODE ### M119: Endstop States - Marlin Firmware, As clearly the way Ryan has laid it out probably wont be right for this board and i will need to test it to get the order right.

I am going to just use the X- Y- Z- and the Z-STOP, Y-STOP, X-STOP as the same thing same for E0, E1, E2 as EODET, E1DT, PWRDET as E2

The marlin firmware loads these for you when you tell it what board you are using. So they should be right.

Yes you can use any program with a terminal. The BTT touchscreens all have a terminal, repetier host, or CNCjs.

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Thanks Ryan,

Hi Jeff,
I have had a look at the links and i see the files, but can you point me a primer to explain what you mean by Compile and then BUILD?

I have done virtually nothing in the compiling space and very little in the build space. I understand the overall of it, but if you have a primer/ N00b manual i can read, that would be greatly appreciated.

Well Australia might be a great place to live, great weather, great lifestyle, fantastic beaches and fantastic coffee (ESP in Melbourne)

BUT MAN O MAN getting electronic bits suck!

I realised that I brought the wrong limit switches, they are super micro ones, so too small.

So I go to the local geek shop to be meet with a blank stare and “no we dont stock micro switches”.

Fine, Element 14 website here i come. Jump onto Element14 and was not paying attention, brought the mirco switches and they are shipping from the states. Shakes head at his own stupidity sigh. now i have to wait till the 10th to get them.


oh i found them locally, at $5.10 each… SIGH again.
Should have just brought the kit from ryan, and eaten the shipping to AUS.

I used build and compile interchangeably. Technically, the compiling is only one step of the build, but in common terms, they mean the same thing.

The instructions are linked when you type platformio.

I have installed the VS Code and platformio and even downloaded the SKR Pro firmware from the website and loaded it.

I can only find one place to “change the board” under Marlin/ config.ini

I found a list of the boards Marlin supports on the Marlin website, but typical for me, my board is not there. SIGH

Boards | Marlin Firmware

You change the board in configuration .h a few files down.

Any edits we do are in that file and the config adv right above it.

Ok, so with a bit more searching I found the BOARDS.H file under marlin/core in the firmware and confirmed that my board “BigTreeTech SKR 3 EZ” is not listed as a board.

Damm, not sure how i stuffed that up when i brought it

i have put a question to BTT support site around getting MARLIN to compile for this board.
Not hopefull, but you gotta try

it is probably the same pins as the skr3, try that.

do you mean this one?

i went over the “learning section” on the docs section and I don’t have that compile “tick”.
Also I am not sure what its suppose to be reading this code as, its saying C++

68 errors,

Take a little step back. Grab our SKR pro firmware, or maybe the skr1.4.

Unzip it and just hit the check mark to see if it compiles fine with zero edits.

Then after that only change the board on line 94. You are showing that some file named config.ini also has some changes, it should not.

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As for dealing with compile errors only the first one is valid all the rest are usually side effcts of the first one.

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thanks for your time on this!

ok, have done what you said, i even changed the name of the source so that it reflects the SKR 3 EZ.
I then opened it and tried to compile it, but the "TICK " is not there.

but got this error, which is related.
btt firmware issues5

Start completely fresh. Unzip a new folder open it and try to compile it with no changes.

Did you install platformio?