Add Wifi to SKR Pro step by step

How did you create the firmware.bin file? I was wanting to enable websockets, but it looks as if that feature was not turned on in the firmware.bin file you have included.

Sorry, I didn’t create the BIN file. I just included it. That is the one downloaded from the V1 engineering site. If you want to create a new one then you are into a whole next level. maybe looking at the tutorials on this site might help

You can create a new firmware.bin file by modifying the source files as needed (or at least the configuration files) and recompiling with platformio.

No programmer software for Linux

How to install PlatformIO in Linux?


  1. Download and install official GitHub’s Atom text editor. PlatformIO will be installed as a plugin to it. …
  2. Open Atom Package Manager (Linux, OS → Menu: Edit > Preferences > Install, Windows → Menu: File > Settings > Install)
  3. Search for official Platformio-ide package.
  4. Install PlatformIO IDE.
  5. Install clang.

Any help?

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I use linux. I just use platformio without the ide. I edit the files in ny preferred editor and I compile the code with platformio on the command line. It is a python package in pip. I prefer using pipx, but virtualenv is also good. If you must, you can install it with pip install -U platformio. Then pio is the command line name. It works great.

In fact, all the uploads to MarlinBuilder releases is built using the linux container version in the github builders.

Is there a way to get the webcam feature on in the webgui of esp3d?

No. It is not a raspberry pi. It is just a microcontroller. No usb webcam stuff.

I thought it would use the skr pro usb via the wifi header?
But what about linking it to a stream? I have V1pi with webcam. Could I get the stream linked to esp3d?

You could open a new tab and open the steam.

You could edit the webui and add an iframe that would include the stream. But I’m not sure what that would but you over a different tab.

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Got it working. Thanks champ!

A post was split to a new topic: SKR esp-01 help

Wow this is truly amazing, I was able to get this setup in 10 mins with your instructions! Can’t wait to see how I can modify the dashboard when I start understanding the rest of the CNC workflow better!


And THAT reply makes it all worth the time! Thanks.


First I want to say thank for sharing your documentation, very clear and useful.
I have a question. I follow all the instructions. Got the Esp01 to work and connect to my network and I can access it when is connected to my computer (powered by the programmer card). My SKR pro 1.2 card works perfect with the Screen. But when I plug the Esp01 on the ski board and power it the 3.3 led light turns on for a moment then off and the screen stays off (without the esp01 all 3 voltage led lights turn on steady).
Any idea what can be wrong ?

First thought is which way are you plugging it into board?

Same way as shown in the picture. I double checked the pins labels to make them match. It’s pretty strange, I flashed the board and the screen with the firmware but same behaviour.

OK, that is strange. It sounds like either a defective board drawing too much current but it strikes me that if that was the case then USB programming would have been an issue… Do you have one of those USB current/voltage monitor blobs that you can plug the programmer into to see what the drain is?

Or can you dig up another ESP01 to try in the SKR board??? They are cheap… try a new board…

Or… examine the SKR board for a solder short between two pins around the ESP01 pins or along the traces where they go to… follow each trace and look for shorts.

Thank you for these ideas. Im waiting for a new ESP01 to check if the other one had some problem. No USB monitor blob (but I will be looking for one ! :). I will look for shorts on the SKR, I looked at before but didn’t inspect deeply for shorts. Will let you know what happen. Have a great weekend !

Thanks for the great explanation. I am building ( here in the Netherlands) my low rider 3 these days and managed to install the WiFi module on the skr pro 1.2.

I am able to read the sd card but not able to write gcode files to the sd via the web interface. Writing to the flash memory of the WiFi module is possible but rather would like to use the as card.

Anybody some thought on how to solve this?
