$79 laser engraver on Amazon... any good?

So i never really used my jl1 til tonight!!!

I had to go 5mm/s 100 percent for thus though!


So when I Google JL1 laser, this forum is about the only good thing that comes up. I bought an unused laser in a package deal. The PCB board says JL1 board. It powers on, but isn’t recognizable, doesn’t home itself, and the laser cross hairs don’t shine. Is there a way to replace the main board in these? If so, is it plug n play per say?
Thanks for any help!

I don’t know about the OEM board, but this thread might be of interest to you…

So I am not sure if this was an open box or not, but if so, then the usb, etc is probably gone.

there is alot of info here in our forums and on Lightburn. It will work.

I was not real successful with using anything but Lightburn as it homes in an odd corner.

(There are ways to get the open source to work but it was very clunky.)

If it is not yet grbl, that is your first step.

it was quite a while ago for me on this. Let me see what I can dig up.

(Also the laser for alignment will not work after update to grbl and without the junk software that came with the unit.)

Update is here, in this topic, post #15

grbl settings are post 33

and if it is any value, I am still using mine. I do not use a laser enough to upgrade yet.

decent for what it is. I will be getting it out soon, as my mil wants some cutting boards for friends.

(last year I had no idea what to get peeps, so I made cutting boards. Now I am getting requests :slight_smile:


My JL1 is running great, with a Jackpot controller installed.
There’s a much larger NEJE sitting in its’ shipping box beside my LR4 beta waiting for me to assemble it, at which point I’m going to do more experimentation with the JL1.

No complaints at all about the JL1/Jackpot/FLuidDial/Lightburn combo.
I can run it with LightBurn, or save the gcode and run it from the pendant.

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