2070mm X 2800mm sized LowRider 3?

The size of full MDF boards in my area is 2070x2800 and I was wondering could the Lowrider be stretched to those sizes?

As far as I’ve been able to figure out length wouldn’t be a problem but the width might cause problems.


wow… ~7’ x 9’ ?

That’s big.

What area is that?

I have seen some 5’ wide builds, but don’t think I’ve seen any that wide

That would be 5,796 m2 or 62,38 ft2

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I meant your location

Oh sorry…

I’m in Finland.

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I think the LR3 could span the 2070mm. Cutting the struts could be a challenge, but should be doable at 2800mm length.

A bigger challenge to me wouldnbe making a flat table with mounting for the machine that size.

I’m also curious about how you get those sheets home :rofl:.

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Didn’t realize 2070 X 2800mm Jumbo wood boards existed.

Looks tricky, are initial planned projects small enough to be able to break the boards down in half to use on a 7’ x 4.5’ or 3.5’ x 9’ LR3? Could always make the LR3 larger in time if/when you want to go Full Jumbo ™? Expecting some serious materials, mods, speed, accuracy choices and compromises involved. Will be an interesting LR3 Jumbo build.

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If you are wanting to CUT boards of that dimension, then you would need a table size of 2395 x 3183 (or larger). You would need rails (and struts) of 2250 x 3116. Having a gantry of that size might require some consideration of additional rigidity. perhaps using thick walled stainless steel tubing on the X rails rather than lighter weight EMT (or whatever the EU equivalent is).

If you are wanting to simply use the 2070 x 2800 boards as your table surface/spoil board, with a smaller cutting area, then you could cut pieces up to 1745 x 2417. (use LR3 calculator to modify cutting area to fit a specific table size).

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I think this about sums it up. However, if the X gantry were to be beefed up, then maybe a 2250 mm span could happen. Maybe with 6 mm thick aluminum struts, (or 12 gauge steel struts?), connected to braces that were even closer together than normal, combined with steel tubes instead of EMT.


I would make sure you actually need to cut things this big. My LR3 has a working area of about 870mm x 1900mm and there’s a pretty good chance I end up making it smaller because I’ve only used about 2/3 of that area. 90% of what I’ve done was in a pretty small part of the bottom left corner. Although, I’m also dealing with limited shop space. Getting a flat table at that size is going to be a challenge.


This definitely a situation where I’m trying to save cents on not having to cut down full sheets by spending euros…

Apparently it’s a bulk wood market size in Germany as well, I received boards of that size as well for my LowRider (to my surprise and presenting a real physical challenge…).

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Hi everyone,

I know this is an older thread, but I’m currently building a LowRider 3 and thinking about its maximum size. I came across this post and was wondering if this project with the 2070mm x 2800mm dimensions was ever completed? If so, what challenges or experiences came up during the process?

Also, has anyone else built a LowRider 3 with similar or close dimensions? I’m considering a possible future upgrade to the LowRider 4 and would love to hear about the experiences with larger builds.

Thanks in advance for any responses!

Mine has a usable area of 1367mm x 2710mm. I beefed up the gantry (3mm thick SS tubing, wider strut braces, more strut braces, aluminum struts) and it is pretty rigid.

But I think that a >2m wide gantry would introduce a lot of issues with flex that would be hard to overcome.

I suppose it would depend on what you are cutting (styrofoam would probably be okay at that size, aluminum not so much),and how tight the cutting tolerances need to be for your material…

Thanks for the detailed response! It’s great to hear about your build and the modifications you made to increase rigidity with the wider strut braces and aluminum struts. Your setup sounds really solid.

I’m particularly interested in builds that have a usable width close to 1.70m. I’ve noticed that the strut plates in the generator seem to limit the width to around 1520mm. Have you seen or heard of anyone successfully building a LowRider 3 around 1.70m, or do you know of any workarounds for the strut plate limitation? I’d love to know how they handled potential flex at that size.

Appreciate the insights!

My struts are 1545mm long, and they have some extra holes for the additional braces (plus the placement of the end holes needed to be adjusted to accommodate the wider braces), so the strut generator wasn’t an option for me. I just used Fusion to create my own strut .stl files.

Adding an additional 350mm is technically possible, but again there will be tradeoffs in rigidity (and according to Ryan, speed). If you are going to make mods that extensively, you will probably have to rely on your own design capabilities, rather than use pre-packages solutions like the strut generator.