Z-axis only moves down.

My z axis will only move down and it clicks when it moves down but it moves freely by hand white no problem. What should I try?

How are you trying to control it?

Try a manual move in repetier.

G1 Z5 F300

That should move it up 5,

G1 Z-5 F300

That should move it down 5.

Please be vary sure you have followed this very carefully,


im using the lcd controller. everything purchased from you.

Try a manual move in repetier.

G1 Z5 F300

That should move it up 5,

G1 Z-5 F300

That should move it down 5.

They both sent it down.

Lets see a picture of your whole machine and how you have the electronics plugged in.

I just tested your board and drivers for a second time I know it works properly.

Here you go

and the machine


I don’t know how that can happen. I have no idea what to try. I am certain the board worked both times, then the 5V popped and now the Z axis only moves one direction. The only thing I can think of is you have a loose wire or a short or something. This is why I asked you to use the board as is before you shipped it in, to verify you had no other issues. I tested the board anyway so I am 100% is was not that either time.

Disconnect a stepper off the x or y axis, all the way off the machine and plug it straight into the Z axis port and try my code again to see if it moves both ways, if it does, take the z stepper completely off and try it again. If that works plug in the z axis wiring harness and try again.

You have to go step by step to see when the problem starts. I have never heard of this before.

That’s a problem.

Should snap right back in.

Make sure it is powered off and unplugged or you will pop your driver.

Yeah, that’s on the z axis, right? If only one could was working, gravity would push it enough that every step would go down.