I was thinking about opening a “The core dump” thread too, where failed mpcnc/lr3 core prints go to die
I’d love some “Made an attempt” and “Cracked the core” badges to go with it"
I was thinking about opening a “The core dump” thread too, where failed mpcnc/lr3 core prints go to die
I’d love some “Made an attempt” and “Cracked the core” badges to go with it"
Fabien, is that plumbing in the back there an abortive try at dust collection, or remnants of a sewer stack? Or both?
Most of us have junk drawers (at least, that’s a thing here in the US), some of us have “spare bedrooms” that tend to collect unfinished projects and half-hearted hobbies, and others have whole buildings or acreages devoted to the collection of objects d’oxide that are destined to be grumbled about and cursed by children and/or grandchildren (or perhaps just unlucky estate sale vultures) as junkyard trucks are backed up to the property…
Well this is the actual sewer pipe
The shop is located in the cellar
I live in a 1920’s house, and those typically have a half-burried in the ground cellars that served as vacuum space and storage for the coal
It’s not the most practical shop, but I’m getting 25x12 feets for my hobby, so , that’s not bad
That’s the other half of it
It has a few downsides though: moisture, low ceiling height, and full sheets won’t fit through the staircase
There’s another space about the same size on the other side that serves for printers/RC stuff, pantry and laundry
After spending a week cleaning up, I feel as though I am being set up here!
I realised that I can see scrap pieces from the MP3DPv2, Repeat, LR2, my panel saw and my laser engraver in that pile. Right now, the Primo is pretty much covered in LR3 parts.
I like to think I maintain a fine balance between chaos and art!
You made this just for that post, did you?
Bryan, you are offically part of the crew now. You have had your first thread go off the rails into tangent land!!!
Finally a contest I can win. Any extra point for a messy computer/3D printer room as well?? Y’all have no idea how much I try to minimize how much is seen when I take pics to post. It’s truly horrible lol
Finally, a Peter face reveal!
@vicious1 thanks for sending the replacements, I can confirm things went much smoother this time!
Love the yellow/black color scheme
Awesome, sorry for the issues, and thank you for your patience.