Having problem for about a week, some helpin forums.
Built my MPCNC burly in front room, all axes working t5hen.
after putting on side the X and Y axes slipped, put on feet, rotated put on wheels. Broke a few parts due tolimited space. Reprinted and installed.
But after getting rework done the Y1 motor not working, the Z motor only moves down when Z- or Z+ initiated in marlin or touch screen mode. skr pro 1.2 boar and tft v3 screen purchased from v1 engineering. reflashed the board and screen, same issue. im wondering if the fat movement of x and y axes might have caused damage. cant find explanation of all the bells and whisles for icons in lcd touch screen menu. Help please. the z stepper behavior doesnt make sense to me. any terminal commands i should run that might give insight? Not sure where to find these commands.
Your problem could be mechanical or electrical. Are you sure you are building a Burly? That is the previous version of the MPCNC, now years out of date. The current version is a Primo. I assume your machine is wired in parallel using five stepper drivers. Here are some things to try to troubleshoot the issue. If something in this list doesn’t give you the answer, post back your results, and we can give you additional troubleshooting steps.
For your Z issue, check to make sure the grub screws on the connector between the Z stepper motor and the lead screw are tight.
Make sure you’ve lubed the Z lead screw, and that it spins easily when you twist it by hand.
For the Z issue, swap the stepper driver for Z with one of the other stepper drivers and see if the problem goes away. If it does, you may have an issue with the stepper driver, or possibly with the SKR Pro board.
Another test for Z would be to flip any connector and then retest. If the machine still only moves down, then you likely have a mechanical issue. If it changes to only move up, then you likely have an issue with the stepper driver or SKR Pro board.
I’m assuming that both X motors are working. If not, check to make sure you have the right firmware installed. Your firmware needs to have the word “Dual” in the title.
For your Y1 issue, check the grub screws on the pulley.
For your Y1 issue, make sure the Y axis moves easily, and that there is no binding.
For the Y1 motor, swap the stepper driver between the two Y motors and retest. If the problem moved to the other Y motor, then the issue is with the stepper driver.
Check your wiring connections to Y1.
Your issues are unliley to be related to the TFT, but if you put Repetier-Host on a computer and drive your machine over USB, that would eliminate the TFT as the source of your issues.
thank you for the quick response and advice I have the burly, printed about half of the parts before i realized there was a newer version. in the futurewhen i get this problem sorted out i shall upgrade.
yes i think the wiring might have gotten damaged when i had machine on its side. hmm swapping connections seems like a good idea i have pronterface installed on computer i shall try driving thru usb port along with your other check points. THank You
OK so swapped wires and x1 and x2 motors work. sems the stepper driver for x2 isnt working right. but m119 command shows x open and y and z triggered. one of the micro switches on x works but the other no even with wires disconnected. so im thinking i might have flashed the wrong firmware.
The problems you describe don’t fit with using the wrong firmware. Maybe if you are running the Lowrider version of the firmware. You are looking for the SKR Pro firmware that has “Dual” in the title, but does not have LR in the title.
but m119 command shows x open and y and z triggered. one of the micro switches on x works but the other no even with wires disconnected. so im thinking i might have flashed the wrong firmware.
Endstops switches for X and Y are only used during homing, so they are not the basis of the problems you describe. Also, these switches need to be wired normally closed. That means they will display as “Triggered” when they are disconnected. They will also show triggered if the wiring is somehow broken, or if you selected the wrong two terminals on the switches, or have them wired wrong to the control board. There is a known hardware weakness in the SKR Pro board with respect to the switches that occasionally shows a problem, but, in the unlikely event you have this issue, it will only show up when homing. You want to solve your movement issues first, then address your endstop issues
Having Z shown as “Triggered” is weird, but it is a separate issue from your others. Get your other issues solved first, and if still occurs, then we can track it down.
It occurred to me that one way you could get your inconsistent settings from your M119 would be if you plugged the endstops and the touch plate into the wrong sockets. The touch plate is set up to be normally open, and the X and Y endstops are setup to be normally closed.
thanks, so i did have wrong firmware. reflashed with correct firmware. so now x1 and x2 work properly. but y1 still not working and z will only travel down. im thanking y1 stepper motor might be at fault. i shall trace the wiring just in case but its buried inside the drag chain. swapping leads to x1 didnt make it work so imthinking wiring or motor went kaput. I hooked up computer to usb port but computer not working propper. my cnc one that is. I do have more steppers coming as needd for another project I shall get them tomorrow and verify they work at stepper connections on board. so anyway ill check back tomorrow once ive done this step. sorry for the woriness…
The chances of the motors being damaged or defective are very small.
It’s far more common for the wiring - particularly the termination to be the issue.
I agree with Dreyfus. The chance moving the wrong direction is somehow a stepper motor issue is exceeding small.
Does the Z axis move the correct distance but in the wrong direction? That is, if you send a movement of 20mm, do you get a 20mm movement in the wrong direction? If you flip a plug on the wiring going to the Z stepper motor and repeat the test, does the direction of the problem flip?
If so to both tests, then your issue is likely related to the direction pin (usually labeled as the “dir” pin) of your stepper driver. This may be an issue with the stepper driver itself, or it might be a bad solder joint on the trace on the control board running to that pin. If you swap the stepper driver for Z with one of the working drivers for X and Y, it should tell you whether you have an issue with the driver or with the control board.
Note if it fails to move the correct distance in the wrong direction, or if the direction of movement does not change when you flip a plug, then you likely have a mechanical issue.
I had some weird issues where the X motor would run sometimes correctly, sometimes reversed, and sometimes it would stutter in certain locations.
I traced the issue to a bad connection where the motor wire connected to the extension cable. The connection would sometimes pull apart slightly when the cable bundle moved as the core moved along the gantry.
It was frustrating, because like you, I would swap drivers or connections at the board, and the problem would disappear, and then when I swapped back to the original configuration, the problem seemed resolved.
yes this sounds like could be the problem ive used 5 stepper motors bypassing the others and all worked properly. so probablt the wiring. just have take apRT THE DRAG CHAIN TO TEST. HMM FUMBLING FINGERS. dont mind the capitols…
so all seperate motors work properly at control board. the zaxis only goes in downward direction. weather z- or z+… tearing into wiring today. thanks for all the responses. ill let you know how it goes.
The test you really need to do is to swap the stepper driver on the control board. This will tell you more than messing with the wiring.
so i took apart wiring to y1 connecter new stepper it works good. then reconnected stepper in frame it now works. the stepper motors have depont connections i guess some how they worked loose, so im goint to just direct connect the leads to the wire extension put heat shrink tubing over then. that sholuld solve the problem. depont connectors never seem to go on very well. so next trace z axis wiring. i dont have expension on that axis. this one might just be a bad motor. just a theory so far. i shall let you know later today. thank you.
ive had the flu for over aweek so thinking is difficult. getting over it though…
OK so the Z stepper now works fine. another connection problem. it also had a n extension cable id forgotten bout. connected tightly and taped. but those dupont connectiors just dont go on enough… so going to solder those together also. thanks for all the help. my next adventure is to actually cut some wood… thanks for all the help but ive learned youtube this forum etc…