Happens about every hour of printing. Always a 5-10mm shift in X, only happens on one layer, then back to ‘normal’.
Keen to iron this out, have eliminated anything mechanical, and been through two different ramps boards, and two sets of stepper drivers. The steppers are cooled while the printer is powered. The only thing I haven’t swapped out is the Arduino board, which I could do as I have a spare (for my MPCNC build
I have ordered a 30A psu, as I think the 5A one that came with my printer might be pushed to the limit. 30A because I want to add a heated bed at some point.
The stepper drivers are drv8825’s. They are set up for microstepping - I am still not clear after reading loads whether disabling this might help with torque. They vref is set identically on all of them to give 1.7A to the steppers. I have 4 fans in total, probably taking about 500mA collectively, plus whatever the hotend is taking. Is 5A actually enough? I guees the e0 and z steppers are never at full tilt.
I am using Repetier Firmware 0.92. I had previously reduced jerk values from 20 down to 10, and that seemed to make it go away, but after a few good prints, it came back 30% into a 1.5hour print
I have now reduced firmware x and y max acceleration from the stock 1000mm/s(2) down to 500. In my slicer config, travel rate is down from 130mm/s to 70, and I reduced the infill rate from 80mm/s to 70.
I get this both with printing straight from Repetier Host, and from SD card on the printer.
It has got me interested in logging the voltage on the X-stepper over time, and made me realise despite experience with voltmeters and scopes, I have no idea how to do this (would be cool to be able to graph the stepper voltage in realtime on a laptop screen).
Need to sort this out before I try to print the XY or XYZ parts!