X and Y Axis Stuttering

Hey there,

i have finished building my MPCNC a few days ago, but i cannot get it to work correctly.
My Build:
MPCNC Primo (610mm x 510mm x 81mm Work Size), Arduino with CNC Shield and DRV8825 driver, Nema 17HE15-1504S
My Problem:
After a long time finding the correct values in Estlcam, i came up with the following parameters:

They look a bit strange to some other recommended values, but these are the best i can get to achieve a driving CNC to some extent.

If i drive the X or Y axis manually at full speed in Estlcam i get result in the first part of the following video. However if i drive them at half speed or something other than full speed i get a loud stuttering (shown in the second part of the video).
If i start a gcode for example the crown the machine is stuttering massively with all the small movements and breaks.

Do you guys have any idea what i am doing wrong? I thought, that maybe the Y-cable is wrong, but i can’t find the error here. Unfortunately, I am far behind my deadline for a project so any quick help would be a blessing.


Yours definitely sounds different than mine. No help but it doesn’t sound right.

Check the voltage. :slightly_smiling_face:

Each driver has a voltage of around 0.65 Volt

That should be fine and not lead to overheating. This is really weird.

I just watched the video, was on mobile before, I can’t hear or see anything strange/unusual.

So, you say its normal for lower speeds to make a louder noise at each motor?
I am just worried, that the gcode is stuttering so much. Should the motors make a noise when nothing is moving? Because mine have a constant whine.

The stepper drivers are feeding the same amount of current to the motors whether they are moving or not. The step pulses, rather than current changes, are what initiate movement, so the “whine” is normal. If the whine is loud, that may indicate the current is too high. The stepper driver will go into a self-protection mode if it gets too hot.


Also, the bigger X and Y the rails are going to swing slightly and make that sound.

Shame on me. Switched two weeks ago the arduino driver board, because i got a faulty product. Embarrassingly i forget to add the jumpers again :woozy_face:
Now everything is working fine except the small noise of the motors.

Thanks for all of your help. Topic closed

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