Holy crap life got busy. Finally got my shop cleaned up and am ready to build the workbench. My issue is my shop is too small to house the “4x8” table all the time so I need it to be collapsible. I was initially going to hang from rafters and hoist with a leftover AC winch. However my manufactured trusts disagree with me. Any ideas?
Have a look at the Black and Blue build, Neil made a great table you can stow away.
This similar topic was posted a couple of weeks ago, and it contains links to yet other topics.
I have seen (on the forum) one build that lifted the table to the ceiling. It seemed like a great solution, but if your rafters won’t support it, you are SOL for that design.
Oh, and if your goal is to cut full sheet plywood, your table needs to be 5’ x 9.25’. See the calculator.
Didn’t have enough room for a permanent full size 4’ x 8’ table. So, my solution was to initially build a 4’ x 8’ Rolling Sled, then use that to boot strap building a 5’ x 3’ rolling bar height torsion box topped bench. Rolling Sled is hoisted up sideways against a wall when not used. In theory the LowRider can be easily switched between Sled and Bench. The reality is that my LowRider mostly lives on the workbench, oriented in a way where belts don’t get in the way of my drink/tools. Can share details if interested, let me know…
Definitely interested in some photos if you have them
Have you considered changing how the table folds to its side? So that it it’s the 5’ side that raises? It would still mean that you’d need 9’ of width, but that may be easier to come by.