Wobbly Core? (build in process)

Mine is 139.7, not sure what the actual is. It is most like not 140, or a round number, since the rail dictates the height and all three cores are different.


I guess how the gantries move is correct, right?

What was the fix??

printing the clamps at 97.5% size for a tighter fit.

not optimal, but it works, and everything feels nice and sturdy

I just had too much play with the previous clamps

Did you maybe print the very first version of the F-core you downloaded on release? There used to be a mistake for the first few weeks, my core also needs modified clamps. I always thought there were only two or three of us. :smiley:
If you downloaded the newest files, that should not happen though.

I have the files from a long time ago, but around 2023 most likely.

so I guess they should be updated by then?

Always update the freshest files.
Philipp…that was a good find. I would have never remebered that.