Just my humble opinion, but I think the LR3 is indeed the jewel of the crown (wink) right now.
I don’t know what you have in mind for the “3.1”.
If you have new ideas for developments, that’s great and go for it, I’d really love to see how far this machine can go
If you see it as an “improvements collection”, maybe the community can help, a bit like in video games lately, where editors incorporate community content/mods in DLCs
With a small team of community designers/testers, you could probably establish the requirements, and “offshore” the realization…
I never had much interest in the MPCNC so I can’t judge why it seems to have lost part of it’s traction lately
Do you want/need to continue this model? if so, it must have it’s own set of features/advantages
What does an MPCNC do that a small LR3 can’t? I’m asking kind of genuinly, as I said, I’ve never dug into the mpcnc topic, and it’s not very clear from my standpoint why I’d build an mpcnc. It seems more complicated than an LR3, fr a smaller work area, and it’s not clear to me if it’s any more rigid.
The ZenXY is a pretty unique but very niche product.
I’d like to see more of it, I love sand tables, but in the same time, I’m pretty much convinced I’ll never build one (and if I did, I’d probably go with a scalar robot for a round table)
What I mean is: it’s great, and one of the very few products available out there if you want to make a sand table, it’s a great “show-off” thing, but there are few real users
On the MP3DP side,I feel it’s kind of the opposite problem… Internet is packed with core xy printers, it seems like there’s a new core xy printer every week… (just look at Rolohaun, releasing a “new” printer every 2 monthes)
The MP3DP is probably great, but I feel it lacks a “little something” to distinguish it from the mass: either a super easy build without extrusion, or a very large build volume, or insane speeds, or particularly well documented build
But most importantly, work on what pleases you, work on what’s inspiring you…
NB: I hope you won’t take any of this too personaly, I’m just trying to be the “Candide” here, giving you a glimpse of what the situation may look like from a “user” point of view. I’ve been folowing your work on and off for the past few year and know for a fact it’s generally honestly good/well-thought engineering whatever you do