WebUI Shenanigans

I have been using it for a long time now and prefer it over v2. Just be sure to backup all your files on the flash before you upgrade to v3.

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This will be very easy with webui v3. I have several macros that I can run with webui v3 or my Fluid Dial.

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I’ve been using it for quite awhile and I definitely like it over v2. That’s not a universal opinion though. Technically, the project from which the FluidNC fork comes from just went from alpha to beta. (Which reminds me that I need to go back and see if my extensions are formatted correctly in the latest version.) So, it’s still a work in progress but I’m not sure how much risk there is. WebUI v2 is still the official V1 recommendation.

I agree with Britt in that you should back up all the files on Flash before upgrading. If it doesn’t work out, you can just swap the files back to v2 and be back where you left off.

I’m not quite sure what you are looking for here. This is the jog panel built into WebUI v3 (with my dark theme).

This can be setup to control via a keyboard or other controller but you’re not going to get true joystick control. I did set it up (but no longer use it) to use a bluetooth game controller.

The jog controller I use within the WebUI is the touch/mouse jog joystick extension that I created which does have separate X/Y/Z jog modes.

What this thread has really become is for the wireless pendant that I created which does have a physical joystick with separate X/Y/Z jog modes much like my extension. That’s independent of the WebUI.

No, I would just create a new topic.


Did you try upgrading to webui v3?

No, not yet!

I have another customer order for an inlay cutting board so I don’t want to monkey around with something that’s working and jeopardize delaying the project.

As soon as this project is done and hopefully there are no outstanding orders I’ll make the switch.

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I don’t blame you. Be sure and post a picture of the cutting board. Looking forward to seeing your next inlay cutting board.

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I’ve pushed up an updated version of my FluidScreen pendant to the main branch on Github. It fixes the captive portal popup of the settings page for both Android and iOS. I also added the ability to configure jog max feedrates for XY and Z. It defaults to 2400 mm/min for XY and 800 mm/min for Z. There are some improvements on the jogging itself as well.

If updating from an existing version, you’ll need to upload both the app and the file system.

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It’s a 3.5 inch screen. I also shouldn’t be allowed to name anything.

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Fluidscreen its a closed business in the us lol.

Now you should make it compatible with bigger screens. 8"-7" should be perfect. Also, share that with Bart, i can see that featured in the pendant page on their wiki

Supporting different screens is a huge pain. Different screens have different resolutions and different display drivers all resulting in different code. This was designed to be handheld with physical controls. If I went bigger, I’d lean more towards touchscreen, but then it might just make sense to use a tablet or like your setup. Note that they are working on a 7" pendant on the FluidNC Discord.

I will share it there at some point once it gets some more usage. There are a few things I should change before doing that. Right now I have settings hardcoded used for calculating jog times which uses default V1 settings. I can read those from the config, but I haven’t done that yet.

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:exploding_head: Ages ago i went inside discord :rofl: letme reset my password lol

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I saw the 7" touchscreen pendant something something, it looks that Bart’s team isn’t going to put down the works to it (not sure, that’s my impression)
Elecrow released the screen, some people bought such screen then thay told try to get the code working it is there, i know theur resources are limited but :flushed:

Not a fan. RPi with a touchscreen 4tw, or even better: a cheap MS surface pro 3 or 4 (actually cheaper than rpi/touch combo). Pretty easy to handle, you can make a mount to use with your table and it still wireless

If the fluidnc dial pendant had a bigger screen :thinking: but again for who are running a vfd with their spindles its not going to be an easy task (with the jackpot) bart 6pack has more modules so you can make it work

My understanding is Mitch did most of the work and then handed it off to someone else. It’s still a work in progress but I don’t think there’s much left to do.

I’ve upgraded my FluidScreen to the new update. Jogging is a lot smoother! Thanks.

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