Want more Kobalt info!

Well i just placed my order, says pick up tomorrow. With 2 gift cards, i am getting a hell of a router for 55 bucks!

Aza said he uses 1 (10k) most in his videos. My dewalt has been default 30k (dw660). What is best way to learn speeds and feeds? (Mostly speeds!)


@vicious1 — OK, I just finished reading that write-up giving the history and explaining the great points! What a fabulous story! It’s just tremendous. I am absolutely thrilled to have been part of this, and so pleased for the exposure that it is giving to you and to V1 Engineering, and to the LowRider, all for the betterment of everyone in the maker community!


So not every store does this so it may not be the case but my Lowe’s does. And I asked about it before. And basically they are doing a trail run. See how well it sells. If it sells well great they will stock it. If not it will be an order online thing. For example my Lowe’s carries 1 router in stock currently… the dewalt. Even though almost all of the brands have one they just don’t sell well there. However the Lowe’s by my work. Has almost everything they sell. Again I maybe wrong but this is what they have done at mine before.


Exactly! If this sells well, it will go into “permanent” rotation.


Such an awesome story for everyone involved in the development. Congrats!


That is a cool story and writeup. It is a classic grass-roots story of a passionate maker influencing and contributing to the greater good. Congrats on the press Ryan! You’ve earned it! At my day job we hear a lot about the “voice of the customer” and it sounds like Kobalt did just that with you representing all of us as makers and potential customers to get the features we need at a reasonable price. For me, it was an honor to be a small part of this. Thanks!


Thanks for volunteering and being a part of it. I literally would not have wanted to do it alone.


Congrats to @vicious1 and all those involved in making this happen. As with most things, I haven’t been on the forums lately as I have had a pretty busy schedule, so I missed the lead up to this. I did catch a FB post where someone asked about the LR3 on the box this morning, and wanted to investigate further and took some time out to “catch up.” I still have aspirations for an LR3, and will be heading to my local Lowes to pick one up (they say they have 9 in stock)!

Congrats to all again!!


It was really more of a “hands on focus group” than an exhaustive test. They have their own mechanisms for determining MTBF or risk of different failures. We were focused on sharing our experience in a real DIY CNC. There is a person in these forums (I won’t dox them) that is integral to the product design. Their idea was to focus on CNC users and they knew where to find them. Ryan picked us out in DMs. Sorry if you weren’t invited.

It had to be done over email and zoom. We had to sign NDAs before we even knew who we were dealing with. They shipped us preproduction models which were the right color blue, but didn’t have graphics on the box. Some of the details were chosen for a small production run and would be different in the one that hits the shelves.

The email thread felt very much like a forum thread. Except it was missing a lot of the 31 flavors of people here. There were several people from the “kobalt” company (you know power tool manufacturers have funny names and relationships). IDK if they thought were weird or enjoyed the banter.

There was a lot of “real world” testing and analysis (we are all engineers, even if not officially). There were changes w.r.t. the collet, some creature comforts, the operating temperature, rpms, etc.

They sent a second router (pretty soon, I won’t ever have to change bits). We did more testing and shared our opinions.

I have to say, Ryan was doing a lot of good tests. Considering he was the only one that was there professionally and he wasn’t getting paid (directly, AFAIK), I am sure he is very excited about this. We all contributed something though. It was a good group.

My $0.02:
The changes were all for the better and the result is something that really comes in at a great value vs the competition. It isn’t festool, but it also doesn’t break the bank. 5 year warranty is nice. I probably wouldn’t replace the makita if you already own one. But I would recommend this if you can get it in your continent, and you don’t have a router or spindle you like. I definitely think this is better than a china spindle, but I thought that about the dewalt and the makita too.

I won’t be buying one (I have two already). But I will go by Lowes and take my picture with the box. So I can tell my grandkids about it while they ignore me and watch 0.5s videos in their neural link computers. Unless I am too busy with my own neural link computer.


I am very glad i ordered ahead. I did not find them on the floor at all. Looked all over. But by ordering ahead they placed in to their locker system. Said they have 4!


I ordered ahead and used the lockers mainly because I don’t trust myself to wander through Lowe’s. The system said my location had 10, and I really don’t need anything from Lowe’s right now. Well, maybe a lightbulb. And some batteries. Maybe some nuts and bolts. Foam for the Primo rebuild? Maybe some thin stock for lasering…

See? I can’t be trusted in that place! Plus, I really do have way fewer spoons for dealing with people than I used to. Even strangers that I don’t interact with stress me out. :stuck_out_tongue:


This is so spot on. Truth.


I somehow always go there. Leave with more than I needed. And usually forgot something I went there for. It’s like a never ending loop

Well, aren’t you a lucky lemur!?

Congratulations. I am glad you won.


Now the trip to Lowe’s isn’t necessary.


Are you kidding? Now I have to return the one I bought. Although having two means “easier” tool changes… Anyone have a quick-release Kobalt mount for the MPCNC, yet?

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yeah, it is called a screwdriver.


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Yeah, I was" that guy" at Lowes.