Very high pitch noise emmitting from stepper motors when not in use

My steppers run fine. When they aren’t in use, they emit a very high pitch noise, not loud, but very annoying and on the verge of hurting. Does anyone know how to fix this.

What manner of board to you have? What drivers? What motors?

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im not sure exactly, but i bought all my parts from ryan, so mini rambo and the motors the kit comes with

That’s normal. They vibrate when holding position.

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Yes, it’s normal.

The only way I know how to “fix” this is to get a board with TMC drivers. TMC drivers (2208 etc) don’t have that noise.

Once your router is running, its noise will drown out the stepper whine though.

If you leave your machine sitting idle for a while, you can turn off the steppers (gcode M18). Just make sure that the Z axis doesn’t fall down. I always keep the Z enabled, and just turn off the X and Y steppers with “M18 X Y”.

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Oh ok, thanks