Vectric Aspire or Vectric Vcarve pro

so putting cost aside.
if you were told pick one. which would you choose?

Estlcam and F-Engrave. :smiley:

V-Carve Pro I guess if I had the money. It‘s got everything I need.

Interesting, would have thought aspire over vcarve since aspire has everything vcarve has plus more?

Yeah, but I don‘t need it. :smiley: Maybe with software it wouldn‘t matter, but I am not buying a bigger car than I need just because I can. Kinda bad analogy, but you get what I mean. :smiley:

Thinking about it: If price didn‘t matter, with software I‘d get the most expensive one… You are right, I am retracting my statement. :stuck_out_tongue:

If price didn’t matter (wish that were really the case!!) I would go with Aspire as I eventually want to be able to create my own models, or truly modify other models that I can get off the interwebs. I really need to upgrade to PRO first though. The 2 machines I have currently can cut way more than 24x24, and with my plans to build the LR3, I will really need more. But that is just me!! I am with @Tokoloshe in that I wouldn’t get something just because it costs more and has more than I need. I am a simple man who’s better half has made to look at needs over wants and spend accordingly. If I had no desire to go full 3D model building, then I would just stick with PRO. So, there is that. Again, if $$$ really didn’t matter, then yeah, give me everything!!

Completely understand, live within your means.
Reason I ask this question, is as it new to cnc world, I don’t know where my interest will take me, so I thought instead of paying for a product which I may upgrade or may not depending where my interests take me. I didn’t wanna spend the money twice costing me double then just buying it in the first place.

I have found vcarve pro software v10.5 and aspire software version 9.5 and 10.5 selling for approx $125aud ($88.50usd) on eBay with life time upgrades.

I do know the 11.5 version is in the $thousands.
So I suppose for its price aspire would be the way to go, but just don’t justify why 10.5 and 11.5 have such a massive price hike.

Is there a very big difference between the 9.5,10.5 compared to the 11.5 versions?

This sounds a little scammy to me to be honest.

Yeah I thought so too, but considering it’s on eBay and not a random site.
I did see it also advertised on etsy and here.


After checking the site out and their terms of sale and terms of service they look very, very shady. On ebay they say they are not selling on ebay but only on their page, at least the one offer I found there, plus, the site is only 4 months old. If you buy they key, tell me if you really got one that works. :smiley:

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Ask him where he got his keys, please. The reviews look good (but copy/paste), for this price I might buy it as well. :smiley:

So I’m speaking with the seller, seems legit.
Just awaiting his reply, and will get back to you all

I have told him, if this is legit. I may have many potential buyers for him. So we see where that leads us :slight_smile:


It may be some business with several licenses went out of business. But it also could be cracked software and not at all legal.

Ok guys, good news it is legit and I have spoken to the guy and he will make a deal with us. Will explain in next post

So it‘s a crack or generated codes that he is selling, making them (probably) illegal… This is really shady, I am not going to buy it, even if I‘d love to have it.


:thinking: … so umm…are you walter? :rofl:

Lol no im not Walter. Just sharing the info.
Im transparent so just thought I’d pass on the info I was told. Up to you if you wanna buy it or not :slight_smile:

VcarvePro CAN do a lot of 3D model work by combining existing models you may find in their included clipart library, or elsewhwere, or that you make with other CAD software. It just lacks the artist tools for sculpting your own models.
But with VcarvePro you can do elaborate 3D carvings, such as raised lettering that follows the surface of a shape, like this test cut:
Google Photos
Here I combined a dome, a mouse cartoon, and lettering.

I discourage anyone from buying shady copies of Vectric software. They put a lot of work into creating their products and I feel they are well worth the money. And if you have a real license, you get personal support by email usually in one day.


Yessir!! I was aware of this and I try to pass it along as well. There are a lot of folks out there stating you can’t to 3D with Pro/Desktop which is a bit misleading. You can do all sorts of 3D cuts in Pro/Desktop by importing outside models (of which you are limited to importing ONLY ONE outside model) and do some very amazing and elaborate carves. I did the below one with Desktop with an imported model:
Lets Ride finished (EDIT: This was cut on my Bob’s EVO 5).

I should have clarified, as you said, that Aspire had the tools to allow you to create your own from scratch. You are also correct, and I did forget that part, of using the VECTRIC provided clipart/models, as well as some models from their affiliate (I forget the name of it, but they have fantastic models), you can use multiple models and combine them. Thanks for that reminder and for putting it out there.

As for paying for Vectric software, the only LEGIT place to buy it is from Vectric. The Ebay and Etsy listings are usually scams, and you’ll end up paying for it in the long run. The reason you can’t “connect online” with that copy is because Vectric will flag it (as well as you can only have one licensed copy connected online at a time. If he has the true copy, if you log in, it will get flagged. Now what to look for in some of those listings is Vectric will allow a ONE TIME License transfer (that will cost you $50 USD), and there are ways to verify with Vectric if it is a legit, licensed copy. And yes, as far as I have learned, there were sigificant improvements and added capabilities from 9.x to 10.x/11.x.