Use Z-Brakes!

I use these crimpers and have had really good success with them. DuPonts are very easy and jst are possible but my fat fingers make me hate them lol

IWISS IWS-3220M Micro Connector…

I bought this pair after seeing @DougJoseph video where he throughly explained how to use them. I used to have at least 1 failed crimp for every 4 I did. Now I might have a failure 1/100 maybe.

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@orob ive been in and out and have missed the recent updates until now. Looks like you are making amazing progress!!! Do you have any plans to get these boards made from one of the manufacturers or are you planning to just stick with diy like you have it now? You seem to have come up with the perfect way to make this work for our printers. If not planning to manufacture I will order up some parts and build myself 2. One for the v4 and one for the upcoming v5


I have a board on the way… Stay tuned. I’ll reserve you a couple once we know they work.


Roger that. Standing by!

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Okay, While you are testing that I just found my workaround.

If I use the X or Y enable pin to open the relay, Z works as expected. this gives plenty of time for the relay to open before Z enables. If the power dies or the system gets reset it goes back to closed. I will see how far it drops tomorrow…I got called in for dinner.

The key here is Klipper will not let you move Z without homing X and Y. Same could work for marlin if you set home XY before Z or safe homing.

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I wonder if the z hop thing where the z motors activate first and drop before anything else moves was making the z motors enable first regardless of the homing axis.

Oh, that makes sense. One of the first things I did was turn that off.

Technically, the Teaching Tech video thoroughly explained, and I just linked to his video! :slight_smile:

Just take the compliment Doug! Lol.

I watch a ton of his stuff but I had never seen his video until I saw yours. And yours did throughly explain it!!

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Now every time I have to crimp for something, I can get it done. And almost no failed crimps. It was not that way before! :slight_smile:

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Not yet that far along

see the shop listing in this thread.

I put in JST-XH connectors for the board on my printer:

The boards available at shop look like this:

and they have the screw terminals so you can cut and strip the wires and not have to crimp anything other than a ferule if you feel so inclined.