I have an LCD from an old 3d printer. I would like to use it if possible. I found info on the top 14 pins
and how to map the pins from there to the rambo pins.
However, I don’t have the pin description for the 2x13 connector to the ribbon cable from the interface. Is there anyway I can do this? or should I just buy another LCD.
The 3d printer was ran on Marlin. It was an Mbot Cube 2. The LCD screen is a BYT2004A. The interface board is and Mbot one. I’ve emailed their support for help. But their support was never great.
It looks a little different than your set up though, because of the buttons and the ribbon cable.
Honestly, unless you are in love with this screen, a replacement would be well worth it. I am a cheapskate, and I would get a new one. The reprap full discount display is a bit easier to use, and still costs very little.