Troubleshooting Lightburn and M3

I just put on my 3.5W Banggood Laser, wired the TTL to pin 45, and it works using M3 commands to vary the laser intensity. The problem I have is it doesn’t work in Lightburn. Lightburn controls the everything with the exception of turning the laser on and off. Has anybody else had this problem and/or has a solution? I wrote lightburn and asked, but haven’t received a response yet.

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You need to use the grayscale dithering option to enable variable power.

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Also just picked up a 3.5W laser. Do you have a link to the instruction you followed to set it up.

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Here’s the basic thread I used to get it going.

So to summarize:

  1. I have a RAMBO board. I had to update the firmware and make sure the laser/spindle was enabled. Then reflash it back on the RAMBO
  2. I used the this mount
  3. Hooked the TTL Positive line to RAMBO pin 45 and the negative to the pin in the picture of the thread above.
  4. I had to cut the lasers wires between the control board and the laser in order to splice in some longer wires.
  5. Make sure to where laser safety glasses
  6. I've been using the M3 Oxxx to get it fired up
  7. Makes a bunch of stinky smoke :-)
Let me know if you have any issues and I will try to walk you through in more detail if you need it.