TMC CONNECTION ERROR on a brand new build

Sorry, I missed your reply. I used the premade code and sent from RH. I’m still trying to get it to show all tool paths as it seems only to show travels. When I get home, I’ll work on a post for the My Builds section as I’ve gotten the kinks worked out (except the M221/TFT thing.)

Endstops are working great, mocked up an overhead conduit bar for cabling and future vacuum hose, and was able to carve my name in some foam!

Repetier thinks all the code is travel. So it should show everything as travel moves.

Oh ok. That’s probably why nothing looked right. As for the M221 thing, I just read that the bin file needs to be loaded from display SD port. I loaded on board, so I’ll try the update on the screen tonight.

I’m at a lose. the TFT35 won’t load on the TFT50 and just loading the configs errors out on all V1 specifics - touch plate, cnc menu, etc. Is there a way to get just the code (not in bin format) for the TFT35 so I can go line by line and compare to the BT TFT50 code?

The code is here:

It is compiled with platformio. IIRC, you need to set the screen type in the platform.ini

VSC will not let me open the bin file.

You can’t open the .bin file. You need to download the whole github repo (There is a button labelled “code”) and open the project in platformio (not in vscode alone).

Thanks! I’ll play around with it now. Simple Green Go Button!! Knew I had to be overlooking something …

I was able to get it compiled and the m221 error to stop, but now it says no printer. It also threw a couple errors when loading config file. I only caught “cnc menu”. Up note, it moves in tft mode and includes a 100mm option.