Time to start

Started printing. Wish me luck :smiley:


well that was short lived. Thunder storm and a power outage. lol

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Good luck!

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Had the same on the Sunny Coast - managed to unplug everything except the printer which was half way through a five hour job when the blackout happened.

I really love auto resume! That’s the third time in two years that I’ve been saved by it.

All the best with the new prints!


I am from a country where we don’t have blackouts. You should try that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah im on the sunny coast too. Lucklily only 5 mins into printing

I’m thinking you’ve never seen 25mm of rain fall in fifteen minutes then… :wink:

You can do it!

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Use an umbrella… Duh… :expressionless:



I am always amazed at how much you trust your printers, throwing so many parts on the build plate. :smiley: I really need to upgrade to Prusa‘s better sensor, the first layer is still hit or miss with the one the old Mini came with. :frowning:


After the power outage, everything was messed up for some reason. I’ve only just had the time to sort it out… printing better than ever now😉

Everything (power outage etc) may or may not have anything to do with it…Could have been a coincidence that everything started failing.


I am with you there - failures are rare, but I’m happy plugging away with one or two models at a time. IMHO the time saved is minimal and since the printer is in the bedroom next to where we sleep, we only run it overnight if we have to!


Yeah I think I’ll cut down on what I do. Had a couple of those parts fail. Orientation didn’t work.

You shouldn’t have to change the orientation on Ryan’s parts.

Prints are looking good.

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Usually this is true. But to get the most up to date parts you have to get them from the cad model and no orientation is set for printing those. I had a few get printed the wrong direction and had to reprint after consulting with Ryan


Oh yeah. You’re right.

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I run an extension cord to my server rack’s UPS when running long prints.

This is a thread for the printer, not the LowRider.

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i’m dumb sorry will delete my post

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