The 'Black and Blue' LR3 build

And a quicker run at 50mm/s and 50% starting power showed improvement in the oscillations, but introduced the known limits with Raster >28mm on the skr pro board

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Something different-


Happy wife.


This whole escapade has got me thinking about how to put a 150W CO2 tube on a Primo base …

Some more laser testing today, while Toddler was on nap.

Reprinted the mount, shortened the fulcrum to 27mm (still allows access by tools for attachment to the gantry)

I had the router removed in order to mount the laser mount, and didn’t replace.

Ran the same Raster50/50 test as the other day, and saw some improvement in the shakiness. Not perfect.

Once I’m back from school pick-up, going to redo the gcode down to 20mm/s speed, and adjust power accordingly. Also change the overscan a bit.

If I can get good logo engravings and a full cut for the coin (in 3mm maple) - my ‘makers mark’ that I embed in the bigger pieces- I’ll be kinda- ish happy.

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Ok, so spent some time yesterday redoing the laser mount- went for a slightly remixed version of this one- (to add neje mount holes)

Thanks @CNCLuke !!!

And then threw a bunch of tests at it. Completely eliminated the wobble, everything is crisp.

That coin is a raster image done at 125mm/s, 80% power single pass. I honestly meant to do 25mm/s but fat fingered the keys apparently.

Getting happier


I’m jealous. I want to be able to do that. Maybe in 6mo from now, I can.

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Haven’t forgotten about you

Once I get a few more tests done, I’ll write something up.

Having a couple issues with NEJE customer services at the moment- laser isn’t performing as well as it should/could be .



Don’t worry about me. I’m living vicariously through you. I’m still slowly building my machine.

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Just had some guy on NEJE group treat me like an idiot because I told him my laser PWM isnt grbl $30 for max, but 0-255 in Marlin

Told me Marlin doesn’t run lasers.

Problem is, he’s the main group neje contact I need for troubleshooting before a warranty return.

Wants me to use ‘proper’ software lol

How about power with the test button, does the E40 has one ? A40640 comes with a small circuit with fire test button, if so does a press on it seems to burn at full power ?

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I have it hooked up with that board.

But tell me- how do you judge ‘full power’ of something you have no frame of reference for and don’t look at without 5OD of eye protection

I mean- I hit the test button while the lr3 makes a small square- thus taking the pwm control out of the equation- and it burns a square. It’s a thin stripe. It takes 4 repeats to get through a 3mm piece of Baltic birch plywood, which is 2 more than advertised.

It was more his insistence that I had the wrong firmware and had set it up incorrectly- he scoffed at S255 being our 100%, and said I needed a $30 value - while he blatantly doesn’t understand the firmware

Ok, got one more client build to get out the door, but I had to run a quick engrave test for a Christmas present I’m going for the wife. Her monogram

E40 laser, 200/min, 80%, variations with and without border line and a couple different scripts.


What is your V1 firmware version / release, did you recompile it from source ?
@vicious1 does the last firmwares have LASER_FEATURE already defined by default ?

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I’m using the nightly from 3 weeks ago

What’s the issue? My laser problems? They are not a V1 issue- I’m 98% sure I have a faulty unit based on my specs being half what other people report.


After looking at your LR3 and your fold-up table I am now 100% sure that I need a Lowrider as well… Might even consider ditching the MPCNC to save the space. I really really need to measure my potential workspace.

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Warning you up front- this stuff is so much fun, I doubt I’ll use the folding table, lol.

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Told my colleague the same thing that is is basically only there to tell my wife that I could fold it up. :smiley:

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About to batch a few more tins of my cutting board/wood conditioner, and I’ve lost my labels. Also- didn’t really like them, just didn’t have ‘impact’

So I pushed the file into lightburn, and did this: 50mm/second, 50% power. Took 23 minutes because I forgot to do all groups at once so it rastered text individually

Black anodized aluminum tin, 4oz. I fill them with a 3:1:1 blend of mineral oil, coconut oil and beeswax. $1.39 for tin and ingredients, ‘retail’ for $15 if bought with a board, $18 if separate.