TFT Update now "No Printer Attached"

It would not have that error on a printer. The printer understands M420. It has to be tested against the LR.

Definitely doesn’t happen there. I have homed it at least 5 times so far today. I have been cutting panels. That one is using the current release package as well.

WAIT!!! It happened!

Hmmmmm, okay. Now I can figure out how the heck to proceed.

Well, that was a mess. Now why is it happening. I tested it so many times. I flashed it again at some point yesterday. After that, I might have only used the headless mode (needed to get things cut). That is weird though because it does still flash messages on the TFT even though it is headless, and no errors.

So now what the heck do we submit to BTT? I will post a issue and see if Kisslorand jumps on it.

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We’re a little spread out now. But the suggestion to add it to the known echo would be a solid solution.

Alternatively, the section where it sends M420 in G28 could be gated on the bed level enabled flag.

I have no clue how long it will BTT take to fix the issue.

In the meantime our CNC users will download the new firmware and may raise questions here about the M420 message.

So I would propose to either fall back to the previous release or to apply the ‘knownEcho-fix’ (after some testing). Both until BTT have solved the issue.


BTT was pretty good about merging and closing the previous PR (with some nudging from Ryan). If someone makes the PR there, Ryan can encourage them to fix it.

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It is there, but Kisslorand added some other edits to it so it could take a while. Last time the edit we needed was also packaged in with a bunch of other edits and they asked for one issue per PR, looks like more outstanding PR’s are packages instead of one at a time.

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I‘ve seen the backlog of PRs on Github. However, it is save to apply the fix to your sources if you don‘t want to wait until the PR has been merged

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I’ll give it unit Monday Evening. It is an annoying error but not critical.

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The PR has just been merged!