Table Top ZenXY

Finish is done. The legs are working fine. I am nervous to put any weight on the table. If I have any extra filament, I might print a couple of spare leg parts.

I have started the assembly. I actually have the tubing, I think.

Hopefully in a day or 3 I will have everything up to the belts on. Then software, and more CAD for a box for electronics. I wish I was already done, but I should comfortably make it to rmrrf.


I really love the look of that!


It still amazes me that it actually looks like the CAD. It is like a super power.


Looks really good! How much work have you put into it?



I don’t know. It was a lot of quick sessions to design it, or add a coat. And it isn’t done yet. I don’t keep track of the hours for my fun projects.


Yeah, I was only wondering because I am also planning on building a table. I really like your legs!


he must work out…


I never miss bread day.


I prefer protein day. The BBQ thread can be used as evidence.


Belt routed. Machine mounted to the bottom. Glass installed, even.

This is working great. Next step: electronics and firmware.

You can see the machine a little on the sides (thanks to those cut outs). But I want to see more. I will be adding a mirror, somehow. I hope I can find one about the right size. If not, I will try to find a plastic one and cut it. Hopefully that won’t be its own project.


I have a small gap (1/8"/3mm, maybe?) Around the bottom of the glass. I was going to seal it up using silicone. But I will want to take the glass out for transport, and for maintenance.

Does anyone know of something I can jam in there to keep the sand/baking soda on top, but let me remove it? I was thinking of that black rubber gasket stuff you use on screen doors. Make some bit of foam? If I can push it in with a putty knife, that is easy enough. It doesn’t have to be water tight.

Also, that creeper keep trying to get into my photos. If you see him, let me know if he is a nice guy.


Play doh?

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It would dry out, wouldn’t it? Maybe silly putty. Or just regular serious putty.


The eye of the beholder
I have been thinking about this as well my gap is fairly large. I was thinking about printing some TPU seal that goes on the end.
I now have a big fear of wine getting spilt in mine and it doing the volcano thing lol.
Do you by chance have one of those fancy conveyor printers ?

Maybe a p type seal shape or a L shape.


Clear tape?


If it were me, I’d just use a small screw in each corner, with a washer that just covers a small bit of glass and call it done.

The trick is making sure that it doesn’t interfere with the ZenXY, and a secondary trick to not allow it to leak any of the baking soda. Leaving a straight line of white powder on a mirror is just begging for misunderstandings as to what your display is all about.

This might take too much time…

Place a thin bead of silicone around the rim of your opening. Put something very thin, like plastic food wrap over the glass edges and press it into place in the silicone. This will make the silicone conform closely to the glass and allow you to exactly set the depth of the glass. I might suggest maybe .25mm proud of the wood frame, but flush would be OK. You don’t want it indented. One you can’t hold the glass against the seal, and two, the silicone can then get around the glass and make it too difficult to remove.

Now with your washers just reaching the corners of the glass, they should hold it against the silicone, making a seal that the BS won’t leak out of. the glass ought to be rigid enough not to sag being held in just the corners, and the silicone will ensure that it can’t slide to the side and leak out.

I remember that the ZenXY mechanism ihas the core really close to the surface, but you get a small amount to play with., which will hopefully allow your washer thickness.


The rubber thread used to hold window screens in their frame. It compress when it’s installed into the gap and then would expand back out to lock the glass in place.

I see you said screen door already. So, yes. I agree with that idea.


Good idea
Mold set the glass in removable. I might steal this idea pro seal it in.


It’s alive!!!

Ok. This is the MVP (minimum viable product). If I can get to RMRRF without breaking anything, I will have success.

I have more to do. But it is a relief to know it is moving with 8 days left.

FluidNC wasn’t too bad, although I haven’t attached the endstops yet. I got super lucky and the motors were wired the right way the first time. That never happens.


Come on man, VIDEO we wants VIDEO damm it!!!

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