I dont know if this is an issue, but it’s different than what im used to.
My steppers are making a lot of noise when power is applied (both holding power and when moving). This is my 3rd MPCNC, but the first two were Rambo boards. This one is a SKRPro v1.2. I flashed the board for dual endstops. All firmware and board setup was in accordance with the instructions on V1 website.
Ive never heard this noise in a stepper motor in the past when running a Rambo board. Its hard to hear in the video bit its very pronounced.
The best description i can give you is if you mix the static noise you used to get from TVs on an empty channel and a small air leak. Merge those two together, and that’s what it sounds like. With all 5 steppers powered, you can easily hear it across the room.
Is this an issue or normal with an SKR Pro v1.2 board?
Should i measure voltage, and if so, what voltage should it be at (drivers)?
The heat sinks were installed after i flashed the firmware, and before i connected the motors (but do appreciate the mention of it, that could have been bad if i did forget-see photo below)
Motors move fine, and in correct direction (got lucky on my first try and didn’t have to spin the cables around).
I haven’t really tested holding torque yet. I wanted to make sure the nosie was okay before i really did anything else.
First rule in engineering…if it looks or sounds different than before…ASK QUESTIONS…hahaha
I was just really surprised to hear how loud they were when energized.
You forgot smells… IBM actually taught me that one when they came in to give us our official training on the AS/400 back in the early 90’s. “If something’s not working right, look at the lights, and smell for smoke.”
It sounds to me like what your hearing is coil resonance. It’s very common and mostly just annoying.
Its different then your old ones because you are using steppers with a different inductance and or a different voltage.
Unless it is driving you crazy or your having a performance issue (low torque, missed steps, motors are getting supper hot, etc) I wouldn’t worry about it.
The old sniff test lol haven’t heard that mentioned in a long time. And your right I still sniff boards that suddenly stop working, it has helped me locate many bad components. Thanks for bringing back some memories.