Hi everyone i have been building my cnc for use as a router. I am using the standard ramps board and DRV8825 drivers as specified in the instructions as well as an arduino mega. I am getting quite frustrated with all of the motors only jogging in one direction. In repetier if i jog any one of the axis the stepper will move in a direction, however will not go back the other way. if i jog it in the other direction it continues to move in the first direction. it will not go backwards unless i flip the connector around. What am i doing wrong!? I have been puzzling over this for over a week. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
You are either not using my firmware, or you have endstops plugged in and they are wired wrong.
You are either not using my firmware, or you have endstops plugged in and they are wired wrong.
I am using the B16_32-LCD-112515 firmware from you. I do not have any end stops attached. Should I?
No, no endstops.
All three axis?
That is what happens when it thinks an endstop is triggered, you can only move in the positive direction, away from the endstop.
Since you aren’t using any, either your board have a short across all 3 endstop pins (kinda unlikely since there are spaced everother pin so it would be 6 shorted pins), or something is wrong with your fimware.
Try flashing the new beta firmware just in case.
Quote: “if i jog it in the other direction it continues to move in the first direction.”
Having endstops configured incorrectly will prevent all movement in the reverse direction, but shouldn’t make it go the wrong way.
It sounds like your direction signals aren’t getting through to the drivers, or all 3 drivers are somehow damaged. You might need to use a multimeter to check that the direction pin goes from +5v to 0v or vice versa when you change direction. Be careful you don’t short anything when testing it though! Strange if it’s all 3 drivers, but the build quality of RAMPS boards is sometimes pretty bad and it may need soldering. Bent pins is another obvious thing to check, but almost not worth mentioning.