Status on Lowrider 4

What exactly does that mean to you? As In what do you expect to gain from more rigidity?

To be clear that is 99% of the focus of any update I do.

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Well thats probably enough of an answer then!

I posted here - Finishing Pass the Answer? - #25 by Sabotage37 specifically in the 2nd video where it is cutting the “r” and right at the end of the cut you can see the bit kind of “jump” out of tension I guess? Once it had completed that pass. Thats probably not the right term but yeah. I was just wondering if the LR4 would remove some more of that jump. I’ve kind of hit a wall with fixing it. Thought about shortening my machine but I know Im not the only one with a full size machine so I was just curious.

More speed would be nice just when cutting a full size sheet of plywood it can take awhile of course. But also the jumping was leaving either nubs or indents on my parts depending on climb or conventional milling Im guessing because of that aforementioned “tension”. Kind of narrowed it down to there’s a decent bit of flex in my rail and maybe I missed something but I didnt seem to figure out a solution other than slower and shallower.

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I am using the full span X, I did not have any problems yet. :slight_smile:


Have you seen an improvement, large, small, or none?

I had some flex with my LR3, but can’t see it with the LR4 at all. So in my eyes, subjectively, the improvement is huge, even at very high speeds and even with the Beta. I think the release will be a bit more stable in X because of the small changes you included.


:grin: :grin:

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I looked through your thread. The biggest issue I can see is you are using a very long two flute end mill in very soft wood. You need a single flute or sadly you have to slow down to eject the chips. Both in feedrate and in RPM. I bet if you slapped a single flute 1/4" on there you would have very little issue.


Roger that. I’ll gladly give it a try. I do have 1/4" endmills as well (2 flute) but I didnt use them on this project because I needed a tighter radius on some of the letters. Which by the way it was a sign for my church out of rough cedar and it turned out fantastic! So all in all dont think I’m upset or anything. This machine made something happen that never would have been without it!

The cutting depth on the bits I have is 1". Mainly because the cedar was 3/4". Should I tuck the bit into the router farther or should I actually get shorter bits at like 1/2" cutting depth?

(sorry to hijack a thread. Didnt mean to do that.)

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That will help but a single flute is needed. That is really soft wood. As you make a cut each tooth fluffs up a chip. If you do not get it out of the hole it the next tooth comes around and makes another fluffy chip and has to cut the one that is still in there. Softwood is easy until it gets as deep as you are slotting. You might want to try trichoidal milling to open up the slot enough to get the chips out.

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Man I got busy over summer and coming back around to the forum to find v4 in beta! Very awesome. Excited to see what’s new and will certainly be upgrading when it’s ready!


We did it just so you might get excited and come back!


Will I still be able to print these new parts on my Ender 3? They look kind of big in the videos. And is the SKR Pro still usable as well?


Yep, you can print the new parts for LowRider v4 on your Ender 3. Ryan always tries to devise his parts so they can be printed on a print bed that is at least 200 mm x 200 mm.

And yes, the SKR pro will still work for the LowRider v4.


Well I appreciate that! haha It’s a private beta I’m sure, but any channel for sharing development updates outside of what I can find in your Youtube playlist? I’m part of a lot of 3D printing alpha’s and beta’s and while I’m not part of the LW4 beta, I love watching the development process and lessons learned.

There’s been quite a bit of detail shared in this forum topic:

Unfortunately that topic is in the Lounge section, which is somewhat restricted based on your Trust Level.

Ah, that’s right. Sorry, forgot about that.

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I’m not trustworthy enough yet :rofl: :sob:

One thing i don’t like at all about the LR3 is the X limit switch reference that moves with the belt tensioner, is so bad that the tensioning of the belt affect the machine zero position. Is not the end of the world, but it’s annoing.

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That’s going to change. :slightly_smiling_face: (If nothing major happens.)