Status on Lowrider 4

His secret is having a job where you are not working for a few weeks as well as grown-up kids and an understanding wife. :smiley:

I only have the understanding wife, my summer holidays are over. :smiley:


Hey I gave y’all 2 weeks to catch up while I was at work and couldn’t do anything LOL. Sad thing is I think I am beating the boss man who prints all these parts before he ever gives them to us LOL. But I know he has 10,000 other things going on as well!

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LOL, reassuring to hear am not the only one impressed by Jonathan’s productivity and progress.


Sad thing is I spend half the day screwing around getting nothing done. I could build 2 of these a day if I didn’t “squirrel” so much lol


Maybe having the inner squirrel is the key to being motivated when you ARE working…

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But are they multi colored prints? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, me neither… so close I can taste it.

Built the ERCF just in time though, seeing as I’ll wait for Lowrider 4 as a punishment.

Thanks for all you do, each of you!


Hush. It will hear you and start aggravating me again! :rofl: It is actually working ok’ish right now. I just have to finish working on my filament feed solution. Too many other irons in the fire right now LOL

I’m the same. Working out the leds and the filament cutting/feeding needs to be more consistent.

Plus is I’ll soon be trying rabbit for the first time, cause I hate em.

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I’m watching this closely!

Looking forward to this! Curious though, what improvements are you aiming for with the V4? Just overall sturdier?

You can have a sneak peak here:

Or check Ryan’s playlist, there are a few short videos as well:


I think I’ll dismantle the mpcnc I was going to make into a plasma cutter and use the parts for a LR4.

Hopefully Ryan is able to sort the distributer for jackpots for those of us outside the USA too.

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What would you like to see changed?

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I’m not Josh, but I loved this question.

I’m pretty happy with my LR3 setup, so I had trouble articulating my thoughts.

  • Based on the patreon images, I like that it appears to protect the wiring from someone in my solo garage workshop snagging it on something and damaging it.
  • I also appreciate any changes that maximize the cutting area while minimizing the machine footprint. I know there are practical limits, and I don’t know how much the LR3 footprint could be improved. But space is always at a premium.

Thanks for such an awesome project, and thanks to the beta testers who take a lot of lumps for the benefit of the rest of us.


Pretty sure I got both of those covered. Neither was easy


And both of them are awesome! :heart:


This is really exciting to hear about an LR4. I’ve updated my LR3 with larger SS rails and a water-cooled spindle. It’s been a champion, and I’m nearly finished cutting the last of my kitchen cabinets. 22 in all in 3/4" Maple Plywood. I’ve only had 1 major issue and that was with the drivers on my SKR controller overheating which would randomly drop the spindle into the workpiece. I finally caught on to what was happening and printed a larger enclosure with fan powered cooling. Problem solved. All thanks to the community.

WishList? I know the physics gods are fighting it, but being able to do deeper carves into bowls and such without concern of hitting the core would be my biggest wish…


Drop table and longer endmill


I have a feeling when they flesh this out, and finalize things… This will be the one.


I agree! Hopefully it works out like it seems. I think @barry99705 is working on one now.